If you are typing incredably slowly to avoid clicking your keyboard too loud... you might be in an LDR!

I am completely brimming with love for him right now <3

We're skype sleeping! I'm so happy. That is to say he's sleeping and I can hear him :P He's up at 5am his time/ 11pm mine, so likely I wont fall asleep before he leaves for work but who cares? I finally have a decent enough internet connection that I don't have to spend a bunch of money I don't have to get enough data to skype. (Though in all fairness it doesn't chew as much data as one would expect!) My net is so good today we even got to have sex yay!

The reason he has to go to work so early is because he didn't bother going in today, he spent that time all with me instead!! It's just so so good. We did some online shopping together too - I mentioned a few blogs back how we've been making lists of lingerie and sending them back and forth to find things we both agree on - we finally found a few ineexpensive things we both think are sexy so he bought them for me. I thought it was really sweet of him. I love getting mail and now I have a much better idea about what to get for our wedding night. (I'll hold off on buying until I get work of course)

Which leads me to my interview. It was nerve racking! I don't know how I went. I hope it was ok :s I guess I'll find out in time. The questions were tricky and I was a bit unprepared but there weren't any I couldn't answer. *fingers crossed* I think I may have been a bit too relaxed/coloquial. *fret fret* Best to try not to think about it.

Back to Obi! We had so much to talk about, and he sent me a video of his mum and her sister from the weekend, so I could feel a little more part of things/ see and meet his family members I haven't met yet.
We talked a lot about kids too and the fact I have no intention of going back on the pill regardless of when he gets his visa. That was a bit of a shock for him. He's cute, he says he's ready and wants kids, but also tells me deliberatly having unprotected sex will/is taking a lot for him to get his mind around. I'm glad he's so open with me, and so positive about having kids - a man can come a long way in a year :P but then, so can a relationship.

I love never having the fear I'll lose him. No matter what we talk about or even when we fight, no matter how fickle our families are, no matter how frusterated we get with the distance or how I take my resentment out on him... no matter what, I never have to worry we'll break up. And that is a beautiful thing

I'll shut up now before I make someone puke!! Love and carrots my friends