Watch you smile while you are sleeping, wonder if it's me you're seeing...

No seriously, I will quote no more 80's music in this blog I can hear him sleeping, that's all

Today was great. Some inspiration came out of nowhere to get me writing again, so I signed up for NaNoWriMo and bought some merch that I really couldn't afford and went over a bunch of my plot notes. It's a great feeling! I have to write, I don't have a choice, and I get depressed and irritable when I don't write, but so many things like to stand in my way... like LDR mopeing or anticipation of visits. (I lost my second NaNo for that reason and was thusly hesitant to even start this year because some days I struggle to tie my shoes never mind write a novel!)
But, I got the boost I needed today and I'm totally pumped!!

Also I got a call back from my interview letting me know the interview was successful and that if I pass my reference check this time next week I will be employed. That's so awesome!! I'm filled with hope, and a tinge of fear as not all of my references are legit. I'm expecting they wont phone Canada. Gods I pray they don't haha (I didn't lie, just for the record - I wrote a reference from my supervisor instead of asking her to do it, as English isn't her first language. However, I didn't warn her about it, and I did provide her phone number.)
I hope I get it though!!

I never wanted to be a checkout chick again, but award wages have gone up, so I'm looking at a decent wicket no matter what, the work's easy and I wont need to clean anything. I hope I make some friends this time, but if I don't there's always NaNo
I need to buy shoes

And I spent some time out in the lovely Aussie sunshine, went for a walk, hung out with Chris, mailed some documents so hopefully I don't get taken for tax fraud for using a tax number in my old name... So, a pretty decent day all around.

Obi knocked off an hour earlier than planned too (working 11 hours instead of the planned 12) so I could have his extra hour...

Then he came home, we talked a little. He's a bit abrupt, but I let it slide because the poor boy must be shitbagger tired. And after my alloted two and a half hours (that were interupted half a dozen times) he anounces it's time for bed. And my heart sank bloob blooob bloooob down. And that was that. I had suggested in a text earlier (or was it last night?) that I'd read to him tonight, and so at one point he goes "You better read to me now time's running out" really... well... rudely. I was a bit put out but I read anyway and that was nice, but like everything over too fast. And the next thing I know he's in bed... I didn't get to talk to him about half of what I wanted to.

And I don't complain, I know he's tired, and to my credit I didn't ball my eyes out when the time came; unlike last night - when he asked me "Can I do anything?" and told me "It'll be ok" (like that freaking helps anything?!!) and promptly rolled over and went to sleep to leave me in my mysery.

Luckily I wasn't left alone and distressed too long, Bec came home and poured all her problems out to me and I was so busy making it better for her that I managed to stuff my own feelings back in the hole I keep them in. She noticed though, because I look very bad when I cry for a long time afterward. Like, really bad. She asked me if we'd been fighting and I said no, I'm just being a wimp. We talked a bit about how I'm doing with this seperation, how I'm still angry at Obi... Chris was actually the one to clue her in on what I'm likely to be feeling because all along she thought I've been coping fabulously. She apparently would never have guessed

But I'm better again now. I started this blog sad and lonely and a bit annoyed at Obi but writing about the other good things has me balanced again, thank you Well, I guess I'm still a bit annoyed with Obi (Over his shortness with me, and the fact he forgets everything about my life because if it doesn't involve him it isn't important) but that will pass haha.
Gonna hang with my family now, I hear laughter