It occured to me yesterday that we have an anniversary coming up. It's the day after he's supposed to land in Australia, but we don't actually know if he'll make it by then. We've never had to do an anniversary long distance. I would be fine with never having to do an anniversary long distance. But, that aside I don't know what to plan for. I need to have a gift in the mail two weeks in advance if I'm to send something. I know whatever it is needs to be impressive but cheap. It'll probably be something for our home together I'm guessing because we need stuff. >.> Don't know. Have time to figure it out though.

As I mentioned a while back, my soon-to-be sister-in-law who I don't really like is engaged. Well she's having a lot of problems already and I do really feel for her. She's so stressed out about planning the wedding she's given up and her dad, the legend that he is, has stepped up to try and do it for her. (Damn I wish I had parents) I suspect he's also paying for most of it, they are pretty traditional. But, her fiance has his groomsmen already picked out, and she can't find anyone, especiallyt not a MOH. She has a lot of aquaintences, but no one she really lets in deeply. She asked her best friend, but she's in California and doesn't know if she'll even make the wedding, so doesn't want to take such a big role. I know what that's like. Hell, Amanda herself put Obi and I through the exact same thing. So, the dirty part of my soul hopes she learns something from this experience. However, the good part of my soul wants to help, so I sent her a nice supportive message and let her know I'm there for her or whatever. It would be good to form a friendship with his sister, so I'm making an effort.

We have found out that her wedding is supposed to be in November next year. We hope that I'll have given birth by then and that the baby will be healthy enough to travel, but that's all assuming I get pregnant fairly easily/quickly and there are no complications. Still, I was afraid she'd try to pull off a summer wedding and that would have been nigh impossible for me Still, it'll be a challenge no matter which way it swings. Going to need some solid planning.

Thinking of planning, it's about time we started saving for retirement. I have superannuation, but I don't like the way my government looks after it, so I'm putting the minimum in there and wanting to save independantly. (Stocks are great when you're young - if they fall you wait a few years for them to recover. But when you're old you need that money and you might not have a few years you can wait with ) I don't know how much people usually put into their savings for this though. I know roughly what it costs me to survive per year, but I don't know how long I'm likely to live after retirement (or even if I'll get that far). I need to sit down and do some math. He laughed at me the first time I meantioned planning for retirement (we're in our 20's) but I think I've impressed upon him the importance by now and if not.. well, he's a good boy, he'll do as he's told haha.

We were talking yesterday about the future, which is now the near future 0.o, and our different fears about not getting a place as soon as we need to, how long it may take him to get a job, his concerns over being a good husband and father. He's so adorable. He doesn't worry often enough - so I'm glad he's at least a little concerned about these things. Glad he's thinking about them and being prepared.

I'm still waiting for the Fedex guy. He was supposed to be here yesterday. I wonder if there's something faster than Fedex that can get my paperwork to Canada posthaste. I should look that up. I hate playing with time.