We're making progress, albeit slow progress.

Yesterday we ordered our favours, and the guy's jewelry (cufflinks). Everything wedding is so much easier for men, it gives me the poos. But I think the reason for that is that if it was as much as a pain for men as it is for women, weddings just wouldn't happen. :P Someone's going to flame me for that sweeping generalisation. But it's friday morning and I feel good, so I don't care.

I'm still trying to find a beautiful, cheap and tasteful jewelry option for the girls to wear. Not so easy so far. I wanted to go with earings, but a couple of my girls have allergies to different metals, so I scratched that. I'm looking at ear cuffs, but Bec and Amanda both wouldn't be happy with that because it would stop them wearing their other multiple piercings. Bec also doesn't want to come out with me and help me choose. She thinks weddings are boring and isn't being helpful (however, she is letting me sponge of her for a few months, so I can't fault her and say she's not helping me at all - she is, just differently)

Thinking of girls, well a while back I asked one of my bridesmaids to step down. We're still good mates, but it just wasn't working for me for various reasons, and having her in my party was giving me too much stress. I'm so glad she's laid back enough to not hate me for it, but then I know she was struggling with the cost of it so she may have secretly been relieved.
Anyway two or three days ago my Matron of Honour also quit. She tells me she can't get the time off work. I respect that, but on the other hand it's not like it's short notice. I asked her almost as soon as we got engaged. It also peeved me a little because I had to bend so many things to fit her in because her religion is frankly weird (this coming from the witch haha) I went to a lot of trouble. Everytime something new came up that she couldn't do I found a way to make it work and I know I pissed off some of my other party members in the process. *Sigh* Anyway

So, because one of my BMs is walking me down the isle, I'm at least a man short. I know really it doesn't matter, but it matters to Obi and I so... Now I'm still not regretful that I asked my other mate to step down, because it was the right thing to do. But I do need to "hire" someone else. (Part of the ritual requires that other person, I'll have to change my sketchy ceremony plan if I don't ask another person) But I wouldn't just take anyone.

I asked my long-term mate who also lives out of state, but recent financial problems mean she isn't sure she'll be there anymore either, so she knocked me back. (Edited to add: No never mind, she says she'll make it work and will accept. So yay!) I've also asked my half sister. A prospect that really excites me. She's got a lot of commitments of her own though, including four kids, so I wont be surprised if the answer is no.

I still have a lot of work to do. And then there's Christmas. At least that should give me better hours at work.

My thoughts are better in order now yay for rambling.