Originally posted by Zephii
Obi just texted: I have such awesome news for you! It's not anything I ever expected. It's so cool! Will tell you when I'm home.

Now I'm dying of curiosity. It takes an awful lot to get this boy excited. He doesn't even get excited about our visits, or going to Disney land or anything that a normal person would be excited over. My heart wants to think it's visa news but that's rediculous. It wouldn't be so soon for one, and it wouldn't be unexpected. He's at work, so likely it's something to do with his work. Which is a worry, unless it's something to do with them helping him find work over here... he wont have time to take anything they offer him over there. Ahhh I want to know!
And in two hours when he does get home & online it's highly unlikely I'll still be here - I'll be in the mountains with no reception!!
Gah, he just texted again!! Winding me up for all he is worth! I want to knooooooooooooooow. I'm scared I'll get excited too and then find out it's something dumb and be all bummed out.
So.. he comes home and gets on skype.. and I'm all excited and enthusiastic. He told me about how one of his bosses discovered whatever the awesome news was at work and how when he found out he paced around in excitement. His boss goes "I've never seen you so excited" Honestly, neither have I. I'm like "tell me tell me!"
And he's like I can't tell you I have to show you... and sends me a link to the internet movie database.

A picture of the Game Of Thrones advertisement comes up. That's it?!?! He points me to where it's said on the bottom the release dates for the series based on th book. And?!?!

I introduced him to these books. And part of the speil I gave him was "They are being made into a tv series, they are that good." He forgot I'd said this (Nothing new there, he doesn't remember half of what I say to him ) and thought that it was a new discovery.

*Sighs* I thought it would be something important or relivant.. or something. Now he's angry with me because I feel disapointed that he wound me up SO MUCH for nothing. When I've never seen his so excited about anything... not visits, or gifts or things we've planned.

We're still on skype but have not spoken for the last ten or so minutes, after he snapped at me. He doesn't get it. And I want to tell him he's too stupid to understand it anyway - but that's childish and wrong.

Feeling like crap right now.