for all that you have done for me...
May I not forget you,
in the height of my triumph,
or when I fall with my enemy rejoying around me.
It will be your presence that will comfort me,
and I will still thank you for the inconcieveable perfection
of every moment xx

So, as you're likely aware by my running around a squealing in joy in so many threads, Obi finally got his damn visa! He will be here in a week. Less than, really. This time exactly next week we'll be doing that stupid thing where we stare at each other, like it isn't real. <3 Ahh. *happy sigh*

If only this meant it was all over. That's the downside. Prospective marriage visa is only valid for nine months - long enough to marry. After that, there are two more visas, the Temporary Spouse Visa (valid for two years) and the Spouse Visa that grants Perminant Residency. At least, both of those are applied for at the same time
But it's more money (a lot more money) more stress, more chances to be rejected. It's disheartening that it takes YEARS to get through. But, we've gotten through the first step - assumably the biggest step - and that's really something to be proud of.

He's finanlising all his stuff now, giving away the last few things he can't have stored for him, starting to apply online for jobs, meeting up with friends for the last time (for two months only of course, lucky bastard).

Everything will get easier now. The work on the house will go faster. I wont be so lonely. Wedding planning can move forward, things can be finalised. All good things. He will be here for me now as I go through the doctor's appointments to get my gear box fixed. He can hold me when I'm in pain and comfort me when I'm embarrased. And I can go back to making him happy, which is always the highlight of my days. Fingers crossed he finds work faster than I did, and that we find our own place in record time!

I've started my Christmas shopping finally. I've filled my sister's and Obi's stockings, both for under $70 which I'm really impressed with, because often the stockings cost me as much as the presents do. Of course, the brilliant idea of giving tupperware is part of it - that stuff eats up space! (I didn't leave the tupperware empty mind, I'm not cheaping out!) and I also put in a couple of beers for the first year ever.

And, I get to plan our anniversary - three offical years (not my longest relationship, but my happiest one!) - because he'll actually be here. I'm thinking, if weather permits, we'll pack a picnic dinner and head down to the beach. Fresh fruits and seafood, a bottle of (well hidden) wine (it's illegal to drink on most beaches).... There's the risk, as it'll be a weekend, we'll end up in the country working on the house, but if that looks like the case, we can beach picnic the day he lands and then the next day (our anni) we'll order pizza for the four of us and he and I can snuggle and listen to all our songs together - like we did the night we first met. Sounds like a plan to me.

I've picked up a tiny box of the chocolates I always give him, but I don't know what else to do giftwise as yet. Something small, meaningful, cheap but non-time-consuming if it's made. Hmm.

And I need to clean my room o.O - Our room.

Anyway I'll go happy-ramble elsewhere now. Cheers!