Haha no not really

Why am I blogging? I have nothing to say. I'm just killing time. I'll allow myself to start making my way to the airport in 40 minutes. I'm thinking of taking the train the whole way instead of switching up bus/train - simply because it would take longer and give me something to do. Sad panda haha.

I'm a bit bummed that it's so cold this weekend, my beach picnic is totally out now I think It's going to rain tomorrow too, lameness.
I did pick up Obi an anniversary gift... a robotic helicopter. Yes. It's a toy. No, it's not romantic. lol. It's a waste of money and that made my eye twitch. He swears if he had one he'd play with it all the time, but I really doubt that. However, it was half price and I know it's the one thing he really really wants and no one is going to get for him (because hello, he's 25 haha). I'm happy I picked up a tiny box of the chocolates I buy him every year - the ones I used to send him when we were kids and courting. Good memories.

He's going to laugh because I wrapped this gift in inside-out christmas paper. budget people!

Incase you missed my earlier explosion of happiness - I got my ultrasounds back, and then proceeded to open them very carefully so my doc wont know I peeked, because you get in trouble for peeking - and my body healed itself! I'm cyst free. Just going off those horrible BC pills did the job. I'm so very thankful. Aparently both my ovaries are "bulky" and could spawn more cysts in the near future, but I'm not worried.

I've been up since the crack of dawn. I'd say it's just excitement except my body does this to me with stupid regularity. Having Obi here is likely to make me lazy again though, and I'll start to sleep better. Anyway, in that free time I shaved, straightend my hair, did some writing, found some nice clothes, had breakfast but I'm nervous for some idiodic reason and now feel queasy.... But I'm still ready to go waaay early.

I looked up his flight, it's on time Hurry up clock!! Haha
Ok, I'm going to go annoy someone else with my towering confidence and excitement lol
Hope you're having a great day!