We went away for the weekend, down the south coast to visit family. It's always good to see them, but the visit was somewhat stressful for me. Which is odd, because it's way out in the country, the air is clear, the area lovely, and there's nothing to do but eat and relax.
I guess my issue was with my sister. I don't know when it started but she now has an irritating habit of talking herself up. Couple that with the habit she's always had of trying to be better than me and it's just too much. I know she supports Obi and I's realtionship and gave us her blessing to get married, but she also makes it very clear she thinks people who spend money one weddings are.. I don't know.. stupid? I think that's the best word for it. Because once you include a bunch of guests and you feed them the price skyrockets. But to me, there's no point in a wedding if not to share that with our families. It's about joining two families, and having the love and support of your community, on that day and every day after, so the marriage has a better chance to succeed. It's also a religious thing, for both of us, but our Gods have different rules. She needs to prove to her God that she's committed and stop living in sin whereas for me, I'm asking my Gods blessing and undergoing a ritual to tie my soul to Obi's so that when we die we don't lose each other.

That's a tangent I guess. What I'm saying is: she sees the traditional wedding + reception as wasteful. And I see not sharing that with your family and friends as selfish. Also, she likes to insinuate that there's something wrong with people for wanting to be the centre of attention for one day. THAT is certainly not why I'm getting married. It erks me.

And of course she's saying all this shit in front of our family like I never asked her to host a few Canadians for us - I just told her. I would never DARE do that to anyone. I never forget my manners. She also claims I told them that Chris is doing all this driving - when I never did. I ASKED - more than once. And her response was the same as any other time I bought up my wedding "I don't care, I'll do whatever you want,". I think what she was saying is "I don't care, I'm not actually listening". Grr.
She's also got her knickers twisted because she intends to have one of her friends staying with her as well for the wedding - but this is a recent development that she never wanted to discuss with me. She'd rather just get angry about it.

So yeah, all that and the other little things I'm leaving out made it a tense weekend.

Things for the wedding are falling into place. We're hiring a minibus and Chris is more than happy to do a dozen trips in it on the day. He's easy-going and helpful, which is great. Bec and Chris have also said when we move out we can borrow their lounge for the duration of our stay in Oz which I'm over the moon about. I love this lounge
We see our celebrant today. I'm both relived and nervous. The ceremony is the most important part, and if I have the go-ahead I'm likely to write it more or less entirely myself. I have a draft that I'll print to take with us, and I need to dig up our paperwork too.
We're getting quotes for chairs and will hopefully have that booked today. I'm taking my bridesman for a suit fitting tomorrow. We're organising our taste-test for the reception food sometime this week. Obi's had a little nibble on the job front, and I hope it turns into a fish. We've started to apply to look at houses, even though he doesn't have a job.

A lot seems to be happening at once. I'm delegating as much work as I can, because that's what all the wedding articles tell you to do. People have been great about it.

In other news, since making friends with Obi's sister she's asked me to be on her bridal party. I was so flattered. Granted, she's told me that she has no friends to ask, so I know it's not like I was her first choice. But I'm totally pumped never the less. Obi is on her groom's team too. So that's nice!

This is only a small spec of what's on my mind today, but time's ticking. Lots to do today. Maybe I'll come ramble out the rest later. Maybe I should print out my blogs too. This has been my only diary for a year!