I wonder how many people got the Game of Thrones reference there.. anyway, things are a bit shit right now, because we woke the dragon.

We went and saw my half sister for Christmas. "We" being Obi and I with my sister and her bf.
It was good, and I'll tell you all about the good stuff soon I promise, but right now I just have to clear my head.

While we were there I noticed something was up with my sister (the full one, not the half one). She was only speaking to me or Obi to have a jab at us. Narky comments. Jibes about my name change (it was years ago, seriously build a bridge) and just anything really. She was also not really interacting with the kids (Half-sister has 4 kids and her bf also has 1 that stayed over Christmas) or anyone. All withdrawn. I knew she was worried about her pets being home alone for three nights, and she's just stressed in general, but there didn't seem to be a catalist.

Anyway, we left the half-sister's place later than planned (which wasn't unexpected) ready for the ten hour drive. And we didn't get out the front gate before Bec started her shit. Just complaining and being abusive and bossing people (mostly her bf) around. It went down hill from there. I guess I should have been a mouse, and not woken the dragon... but I couldn't help it. We'd had a great Christmas weekend... I just wanted to know what the problem was so we could fix it, and get over it. A ten hour drive can be fun if you want it to be. I firmly believe that happiness is a state of mind. I don't know why she's hell bent on being myserable and bitter all the time.

Anyway I still only have the slightest clue what set her off, but when she started hurling abuse at me, much of which didn't make sense through her cussing, Obi couldn't keep his mouth shut either... he told her "Maybe we should have bought the kids with us so you'd watch your mouth!" (Bec was very polite throughout the visit. Usually she swears like a trooper, and gives no one the slightest respect.) Needless to say that went down like a pork chop in a synogog.
Had she been driving, we'd have been left at the nearest train-station. But she wasn't, and her bf played dumb - pretending he thought she was bluffing - which 'saved' us. I'm usuing that term loosely. It was a very uncomfortable drive. Every time Obi opened his mouth, Bec turned up the CD volume. When we fell asleep she blasted it even louder - so loud the beat was changing my heart-rate. It was childish. We listened to that same CD on repeat for the first five hours of the drive. We didn't dare to do anything to keep ourselves entertained either.

We stopped at Maccas for them to get lunch and for a pee break. There was only one stall functioning in the ladies'. When she came out she said to me "I should have pissed all over the seat for you." But, I was so stressed I couldn't go anyway. The bellyache was terrible.

Chris did manage to get some time without her to spare some words, and he told us basically what the matter was. Just a bunch of little things, like she doesn't like Obi correcting her on things. I admit, it is a bad habbit he has, he does it to me all the time and I frequently snap at him - he'll even correct you when he agrees with you >.> but! that's no excuse for her childishness. If she has a problem, she can just say it. And there's also the financial stress.

Now, Obi and I were talking about this the other day. He was worried because he promised his boys all these things - like we will have our own place and they can stay with us, and that we're having this awesome joint stag(ette) party with strippers and blah blah. And because he probably wont have a job and we wont be in our own place, we can't provide those things - instead we need to pay for their hotel. So, he was pretty upset. I reality checked him - I don't want to waste a bunch of money anyway.

Here we are living with my sister who I'm indebt to by well over 20 thousand dollars. We're not paying rent. We're about to have a flashy expensive wedding, a honeymoon and (unbeknownst to her) start a family. Meanwhile, she can't get married and do some more travel because she's in massive debt from paying out the dickhead who tried to take our house, and paying the renovations and whatnot. Everyone knows he got a settlement earlier this year for his leg (he was hit by a car). His friends "know" he has the money to party. My family know we have the money for me to pay my share of everything concerning the house. I never asked him for the money, but had things been reversed and he was in debt and I had the money to spare, I would have given it without a second thought and he knows that.

Anyway, so we decided we'd take money away from the party and our honeymoon and a little from our moving-out fund, and pay off Bec's credit card instead. See, I've offered her money before, and she has too much pride to take it. And, although it's my house too, I never get a say in what happens with it (for two reasons, Ma left her in charge and she pays for everything). She complains of her debt, but she also wont let me pay for anything. So, we set up the money transfer from Canada and have been waiting for that, before any of this shit went down yesterday.

That's another thing she's upset about. She feels that we don't appreciate her hospitality and we don't want to live with her because we're keen to get our own place, and that's not the case at all! We couldn't have done any of this without her help and we are very greatful. It boggles the mind truly how someone so generous can also be so outright nasty. We want to get out because we have been living with others continuously since August and we're over it, and because we promised so mnay people we'd do our best to have them a place to stay. I think that's pretty obvious, but she's taking offense none the less. She thinks others are going to think something bad about her because we don't want to live with her, but that's bullshit.

But it gets worse from there. When we finally got home, we went straight to bed. (Some insults were flung in our direction, we ignored them). Then thismorning, Chris got up and pulled us aside to talk to us about how to deal with the situation. Apparently Bec was so upset that she got blind drunk and was crying half the night and that she doesn't really want us to move out or go back to Canada or any of that. Chris also advised Obi to stay out of our sibling fights. Which is hard for Obi, he's seen her hurt me countless times in the past. Anyway Chris said that Obi needs to remain passive no matter what Bec does to me and that he was lucky she didn't hit him. Well, Obi goes "If she hits me, I'll hit her back." I said "No you wont" at the same time Chris said "you don't mean that"... to which Obi responded "Yes, I do."

We went out for supplies, and when we got back, Chris informs us Bec heard that last exchange, so any hope of her getting over the fight sometime today is out of the question. She very nearly threw him out, but Chris apparently talked her out of it. So here we are, hiding in our room, confined to silence when we leave the room.

I don't know who I'm more angry with, Her, Obi, Chris (for being gutless) or myself. Really, I do see how childish this all is. There needs to be some level of respect. It's not ok to go around calling people names, threatening people or actually hitting them. It's not right to expect someone to not defend themselves or the people they care about when verbally or physically attacked. She gets everything she wants how and when she wants in this house. She treats Chris like crap and I often wonder what he gets out of it to make him stay. I know she has another side. I know she can be kind and flawlessly generous. But I see that side less and less. I'm sick of playing this game and walking on eggshells. And, like I said to her during the fight, I do wonder what we came back from Canada for and why the hell I missed her so damn much.

Like... boxing day Obi needed to skype with his family, he'd agreed to do it. But, our phones had no reception down at Angie's place. So Angie lent him her phone and laptop so they could get it sorted. His family were excited to see us (and his granny even took our photo lmao) Bec was all like "I wouldn't bother. I'd never do that for you" And all this crap. I know she'd never do it for me, I had a hell of a time contacting her from Canada because she wouldn't meet me half way at all. Just grrr.

Anyway, a happy blog will come soon. I doubt anyone actually read all of this. But if you did, thank you.