So, we're still in exile. This childishness chafes my balls. Or it would, if I were having balls. Anyway... Diplomat Chris informs me that I'm mostly not in trouble anymore, and I'm allowed out of my cell into the commons, I just have to walk the eggshell path. Obi is also alowed out on probation - so long as he does not speak. Mmm, yeah, no thanks, we'll just stay in our room a while longer.

I get to work tonight, so I'll be out of the house 5 hours and that's nice. (We're free to come and go of course, but we have no where to go and no throw-away money to go there with so...)

But, that batshit-crazy-powertrip-bullshit aside, and ignoring all my massive insecurities right now, things are well.

About Christmas... well, Obi's never really been around children, certainly not as an adult, so Christmas was a bit of a test for that. He made me proud. I think he had a lot of fun too. It was a really good experience for both of us and all Angie's kids adore us which is lovely. I'm so happy to have these people in my life. Happy enough that I've thrown out the idea of moving a state lower once the house stuff is done. I've never lived outside of NSW, but they reckon it's cheaper everywhere else. And it'd be nice to live near the family down there. (Not out in the fiddle-dee where they live though, in the city) and flights to Sydney are cheap as chips. So I can see my mates and Aunty... and Bec, once I forgive her. Assuming I do, because I always do.

It was odd you know, last night when I got our briefing from the diplomat, he was saying how Bec's scared Obi will turn into another "P" and she'll lose me, I'll stop talking to her, move away etc. Uhm, yeah, because treating us like naughty children, screaming at me and making no effort toward anything concerning our communication is supposed to endear me to you? Lordy.

Anyway, back to Angie - we did get the chance, in between playing with the kids, to steal some time to hang out, just the two of us. Talking carers, and the past, weddings, bits of everything really. It was nice We don't know each other from a bar of soap, but there's still a family bond there. Strange! She didn't want us to leave, nor did the kids. Especially the eldest girl. I know you're not supposed to take favourites, but I so am. She's polite and smart and affectionant. Great kid. Wanted to come home with us when we couldn't stay, but there's no space here for her at the moment. Maybe when we have our own place she can fly up for a week or something.

But yeah, seeing Obi with the kids? That was something else. They all clustered around him, the youngest on his lap, while he introduced them to his family via Skype...

Wedding stuff is going well. We're basically finished. The thought of coming back here after our honeymoon though? That makes me want to cry, or to run back to Canada with my tail between my legs. The grass is always greener, that's for sure.