... to blog!

What's been crappening people of LFADland?

Things here are chugging right along. I'm pretty happy. Sent Obi off to his second trial day at work (and this one's actually paid, woo) and that warms my little soul. Him having a job would make the world of difference to our lives, as you all know. It's cafe work, so not what he's trained to do, but he swears he doesn't mind And it's within walking distance, which is lovely.
We don't know what kind of hours he'd be looking at, or how this will go with a honeymoon on the horizon, but who cares? He's out their earning his first Australian dollar.

And I finally have time home alone. It's the first day in over a month. It feels lovely.

My own work is giving shit hours right now, but I'm not too scared. I need to rock up and ask to get better hours (the other checkout chicks guarentee this is effective. They are pro-nagging and they would know) but right now I'm content.

On the wedding front, we've had quite a few people decide to attend the wedding, but not the reception. I think that's a bit strange. I mean, the food is clearly the best part haha. But it's also inconveinient because we're not allowed to have more than 40 people at the ceremony or I'll cop a huge fine, but we must have 40 or more at the reception, or I have to pay for meals that wont get eaten. So, I dunno, it's just funny to me, perhaps my humour is warped.

My BM who canceled is speaking to me again. I'm still hurt and mostly baffled... who the hell throws away an opportunity like that? But I'm calm and civil again, so woo. She tells me her ticket didn't have cancelation insurance. Obi booked her ticket for her because she didn't want the responsibility of trying to get on the same flight as Derek and he got her health insurance, not cancelation. I guess that's his bad, but the grotty part of my soul isn't weeping for her.
She's trying and trying to cancel and get a refund, but she pretty much has buckley's chance of doing it. I do feel for her. I know if somehow I'd managed to fup that badly I'd be in a right panic, and she has a good heart... but.. you know.. *shakes head*

On the BM front, I had some luck actually. Obi asked me to apologise to the BM I fired, against my better judgement, (I was on the fence a bit) and ask her back... as I still had her dress, and she's coming to the wedding anyway.
So I did. She said no because she couldn't buy a dress this late, the site we ordered them from is shut for Chinese new year. Now, my sister Angie hadn't ordered a dress at this point,. I'd just gotten off the phone with her, trying to navigate the website, when the message from my other friend came through, so I quickly rang Angie back and I'm like "Don't press order!!" she wouldnt get it in time. Then I sent the other dress I had to her, so she can have it altered to fit. Phew!

At first I was a bit sad and girly. I thought people would laugh at me if I had less people standing for me than Obi did, and I felt unloved and all that coz I'd never bail on a mate, and it hurts to have them bail on me. But now I'm back to my normal self I don't care. I'm just happy.

Last night Bec paid the flight for one of her best mates (who's also a good mate of mine) to fly down for the wedding. I was touched. Bec is nothing if not generous. So I'm excited about that.

My little book is all but finished. And, when I was gluing in the photo of my grandparents wedding I realised my grandmother also carried a book down the aisle rather than flowers! (hers would have been a bible tho). I'll be the third generation to do it (or fourth maybe, I don't know anything about my great-granny.) Pertty happy about that!

We're running out of things we need to do, and honestly that itself is a bit scary. Not long now....

He just got home. The good news is, the job is his if he wants it.
The bad news is, it's a cash-in-hand job, and it pays $5 per hour LESS than the minimum wage. There's no superanuuation, no pentalty rates for working the weekend, no casual loading, sick pay or even breaks. Also, he wont get weekends off to work on the house. Disapointed!