I just got off work. They swapped my 3 hour shift for a 5 hour one, which was awesome, and I learnt how to run the self-checkouts today. Next week I have three shifts on my roster, which constidering I had only one last week, I'm pretty pumped about that.

My Inlaws land on Friday. It's all happening. I'm a bit nervous really. I really hope that they will enjoy their time here... that being here will show them WHY I love this country so much. And going to the wedding will show them who I'll be leaving behind when I'm in Canada, seeming his whole family think I have no one at all.

I was a bit pissed off the other day, and I guess I'm holding onto it... But I was talking to Bec about how people deal with stress and stuff and she goes to me "What do you even have to be stressed about?"
Uhm, excuse me, fuck you.
Aaanny way.. Moving right along.

So I have a job interview tomorrow morning. It's weird you know... When Obi got offered his job, he wasn't 100% sure he should take it because it's cash-in-hand so he wont have proof of income, meaning we can't move out with it, and it's $5 less than minimum wage beside that. But, when he asked Bec and Chris what they thought, they were pretty excited and told him to take it.
The very next day I got offered a cash in hand cleaning job, that I should easily be able to work around my checkout chick job, paying well above minimum wage... and when I told them, Bec mocked me, told me I was stupid and that we'll never move out if we keep going for cash-in-hand jobs. Uhm, excuse me?

So yeah, I hope I get it. There's a childcare gig attached to it if I want it, but I think it's in my best interest to turn that down. Housework doesn't go anywhere, so if the supermarket call me in that morning, I could clean later or something, kids... not so flexible. We'll see.

I'm starting to get a bit cage-crazy living here. I'm impatient and it's on my mind all the bloody time. I'm scared we will never get on our feet. I want out. I want the simple things like not having other people constantly bickering around me, and being able to make a naked toilet run after frolicing rather than doing the walk of potential shame. And more than anything I want to start my celebrancy course. I have not studied for a couple of years now. I'm sick of wasting my life on dead-end jobs (though, being a checkout chick is pretty damn sweet). Things are just happening too slowly. I keep reminding myself that there's a reason for everything and to have faith, but uhg. I think this will be the biggest problem with being internationally nomadic - getting set up each time. Hopefully it'll be different when Obi and I are established in our carrers though, maybe then we'll have jobs waiting for us before we move.

Well, I'm going to make a cuppa and maybe read some more. George R.R Martin has my full respect. But, if he kills off the character I love so much, like he has so many others, I might not read the last three books out of protest!