This will be long, be warned!!

So the morning started early, Obi had to go pick up the bus (known as the Chris Bus, because Chris drove it all day long!) and was out of the house by 7am. We shared a bed the night before (against tradition) so I hid under a sheet while he dressed and left.
Before he'd even left, I got a phone call from Brie, who was originally my MOH, but couldn't fly in from Canada because her work wouldn't give her the time off. It was a great way to start the day!

I got up and started doing little things... spraying my petticoats with hair spray to make them poofier... cleaning so the photographers wouldn't have junk in the background of the photos, packing an overnight bag because we were staying at the hotel... just keeping nervously busy, praying a little. It was a beautiful sunny day after two almost solid weeks of rain. I was blessed.

My family started stiring, my two sisters, and Bec's mate Mel. Photographer was due at 9:30, hair and make-up artist at 10:30. The photographer that worked with me (Emily) was great. We grew up around the corner from each other but she didn't realise until she saw my face (had a name change a few years back). It was great! She's like "Aren't you...? Didn't you live around the corner...?" haha. Her little sister who I also know came too, as her driver, and it was great to see her again.
They and the hairdresser (also an Emma) were lovely to me, talking about how I'm the most easy-going bride they've ever worked with, and how it's a pleasure to have someone laid back. It made me feel good, I do try to not be a pain in the arse!

My bridesman arrived late as is his tradition, Bec put together a fruit and cheese platter that turned out to be a life-saver then they all started getting ready. The house was alive. Chris came back to get ready and load the bus with the hired chairs, then he was off again to drop Obi and his team at the ceremony to set up. There were a few really touching moments. One was when Chris and my Bridesman were helping me use the clothing sticky-tape to pin down the cap sleaves of my dress, one on each side of me. I look forward to the photos of that moment. There will be many of me eating too haha. The other moment was when Bec was lacing up my corset. She's not a girly girl at all, and never really seemed that keen on her little sister's wedding... just not her thing. But she asked to be the one to strap me in, and did a great job, and was happy. It was just... really nice!

We ran a little late leaving the house (it wasn't me!), but soon enough we were in the Chris bus on our way. That was so much fun! Singing along to Elton John and Meatloaf, and devouring the cheese and fruit while trying not to drip strawberry or watermelon all over my big white frock! We laughed and sang, and drove over the harbour bridge smiling...

Then we came down the hill, and at the bottom was the rotunda. There seemed to be a lot of people there (in reality it was less than 40). I giggled manically and tried not to hyperventilate... I was getting married!
We couldn't find a park. It was a sunny sunday on a beach, you can imagine. So Chris drove up on the grass beside the rotunda and I said "bugger it, we get a fine I'll pay it later!" we bailed. The girls carried the bottom of my dress and veil and my Bridesman held my hand as we circled to the enterance where the grooms party waited to walk up the stairs (we didn't have an asile). Obi swears he didn't peek. But I got a good look at him, pale as a sheet and as beautiful as the moon!

The priest was playing a harp the whole time, beautful music tinkling like a fairytale!

Then people were getting ready to walk, and Bec was off being a flowergirl She made a circle on the ground, in pagan fashion, then came back down the steps. She passed Best Man Pete, on his way upto the rotunda, and they high-fived.
The wedding party called the corners for us, placing elemental markers and saying the ritual words so that the elementals might bless my marriage with qualities like endurance, communication, fertility, passion, equality etc.

Then it was time for Bec to give me away. We were talking, not paying attention, so it was a bit jaring that it was our time to go. She hugged me, then Obi, and placed my hand in his...
The hardest part of a wedding ceremony is remembering any of it, seriously. The brain is foggy with excitement, fear, nerves, sickening love... you know But many people told me afterwards how beautiful it was (tocuhing seeming I wrote almost all of it!)
One of the best parts was that the celebrant Fiona had collected statements from us about what we admire in each other (that we weren't allowed to see before the ceremony)... we had both assumed she would paraphrase it. She did not!! So embarrasing. Obi said the most beautiful things about me... I have a copy *gets it*:

"She accepts me for who I am, she's a beauty, and her eyes are very deep. I do feel like I get lost in them some times. I love her moments of shyness and embarrassment. I love how she's able to give people advice and help them out like nobody else I know.
I love how much effort she puts into us, Miriam's always doing something special like covering the walls of our bedroom with individually cut out hearts with quotes written on the back to celebrate valentine's. She leaves me these little love cards everywhere for me to find randomly. Miriam has a lovely smile, and she makes me feel valuable and confident with the affection she gives.

I like how she respects my own "me" time, and how she gets along with my family and my friends. I love having her around, so much that when she isn't there I don't know what to do with myself anymore."

How freaking beautiful is that?! I was embarrased, good embarrased. I lent to him and whispered "you did better than me!"

My admirations were, uh, less poetic!:

"He has the patience of a saint, is calm and hard to ruffle. I admire his competance - everything he does, he tends to do well.
Dustin is beautiful, vulnerable and isn't afraid to express his emotions. He's talented. Devoted. Flexible. Most of all, he's honest.

It's the quality that's the most important to me. He's completely open with me about who he is on the inside. He's not afraid to put me in my place, tell me what he really thinks, or what he wants. He takes my shit, and knows when I need to just vent and when I need someone to tell me to shut up. And he has a really sexy voice. Like, really really."

Yes, humiliating!! Haha

We exchanged rings that were blessed in a sing bowl, and then were handfasted. In handfast we spoke our vows. I had memorised mine, but had to choke them out! my mind's commands weren't controlling my lips very well! I did ok though. I will never forget them either. They are both the same, with names swapped of course.

I call upon these persons here present to witness that I Miriam, in the name of the Goddess that resides within us all, by the life that courses within my blood and the love that resides in my heart, take thee Dustin to my hand, my heart and my spirit, to be my lawfully wedded husband. To desire thee, and be desired by thee, to possess thee and be possessed by thee, in complete honesty without sin or shame, for naught can exist in the purity of my love for thee.
I promise to love thee wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in this life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember and love again.

We signed our wedding cert as part of the ceremony rather than afterward, and then completed a cakes and ale ritual - basically sharing food to cement the bond/finish the ritual and as a promise to share everything that is ours. I almost wanted to say "what's mine is yours except my toothbrush" but that would defeat the purpose a bit!

It was over too fast. I was worried, because as ceremonies go ours was a really long one (for non-catholics anyway!) but that wasn't an issue. Others told me it was too fast too, so that's nice. I was a bit sad it was over, you always want to hold onto that moment forever. <3 It was worth it though, all the stress... everything. It was worth it.

I love seeing that ring on his finger. It's amazing. My best friend is married... and he's married to me!!

During the ceremony, they tried to tow the Chris bus for being illegally parked, but he talked them out of it and moved the bus. He thought he talked them out of the fine too, but it was not so... they went and found the bus and then whacked a $200 ticket on it. I thought it was funny It's Obi's first Australian crime! (Bus was in his name).

Then it was time to hug people, thank people and get some photos done!
I can't wait to see the profesional photos. I need to pay those women too, better get onto that!

But it was a bit tricky. We wanted Chris in the photos, but he had to drive the bus (and got stuck in mad traffic driving the grannies and parents to their hotel) and we couldn't leave the chairs incase they got stolen and weren't smart enough to put them on the bus before Chris left. So we had to do our wedding party photos in two groups rather than one big one, and we didn't get nearly as many of mine for some reason. But oh well! We got a lot just the two of us though, more than we expected. Lots of people on the beach congratulated us, some kids hugged me and everything. It was just very positive!

And that will do for part one!