You know the great part about staring at a screen? You blink less. And I tell you what, when you have conjunctivitis you want to blink as little as possible.
It took two weeks to clear up last time, so that means I'm half way through I guess. So gross.

Anyway, I didn't come here to complain. Hey is that a first? o.O Haha

But seriously, life is good. I had today off and it felt wonderful. AHHH. And I didn't have to go to the country and waste the day off on the train/working on the house. AHHH Happy!

Instead I went to the gym and signed my life away for a year. It's $22 a week, so I better make that shit worthwhile! I said I wanted a hobby, I guess this is a start. It takes 21 days to form a habit apparently, hopefully exercise is habit-forming.
I tried pilates today and it was fun. Challenging, too. Granted, it was a bit hard to follow because I've never done it before and I don't know any of the lingo. The instructor is also a typical Sydneysider and speaks ten to the dozen so it was a bit .. huh? But I'm looking forward to going again. I also stayed for nearly an hour after that getting to know the weights machines. I made friends with one that promises to do something about my thunder thighs... it doesn't take much to make a cloud happy.

There's a Zumba class tonight, which is tempting, but I think I'm going to pass. I don't want the novelty to wear off before the habit kicks in lol. I also need to research Zumba a bit more, like do I need to take anything with me? Am I likely to pass out on the floor? I never do cardio >.> I should tho!
I'm also supposed to have a free personal trainer assesment and they'll make a plan thingy for me... But I have not booked it yet. I'm a bit terrified of that level of attention. We'll see.
So yeah, I'm stoked!

I've also discovered geocaching, and Obi wants to give it a go. He was actually really positive about it, which is a big step for him - most of the time he takes a bit of convincing to try something new. So we have an account. I'm keen to get started, but don't want to be pushy. Guess we will see how tired he is after work.
Yesterday too he took the initative to go out and find a free poker tournament to play. In the end the bus didn't show up and he didn't make it, but still it's a good sign that he's trying to get out there and have a social life in this country without me. I even managed to not let my prejudices show (I'm a bit leery of gambling in any form - even free gambling.)

Wellbeing and quality of life are beeing looked after! Also, I've noticed a massive spike in our sex lives and I'm not complaining

I'm also to the stage where I need people to pilot read my book. I have one chapter (half of one chapter in fact) to edit and a few tiny touch ups to make (I have a list with things like "character on page 500 needs better description" or "fight scene on page 20 is too long/short") and then I need to somehow get it published. I am, for now at least, strongly against having it self-published, I would consider that akin to failure (no offense to any who do it, I just don't want to.). But yes, I'm told I need people to pilot read and tell me if it's enjoyable. Apparently this is different from having people criteque (sp) your work, and they don't edit. They just read, tell you if it's shit and offer a few minor suggestions/comments.
The advice I've read is to get 12 people and then expect about half to come back.

Fun! Scary though. As odd as it sounds, I don't really like people reading my stuff, not people who know me anyway! How embarrasing!! But there's always the risk if you let some random stranger read your stuff they might take your ideas or whatever. Writing is a bit competitive, and when you spend years working on something you get really protective.
Anyway, that's what's up with that!

The laundry isn't folding itself even though I asked nicely, so I better go do that. And then, more writing!