So, I finished writing that book. Well, finished enough anyway. I could tweak and re-write it for 100 years and I still wouldn't be 100% happy with it. It's hard to just stop haha. But I'm done. I'm ready to let this one go, and start polishing up book two. So, now what?

Now, I find an agent or a publisher. Not so easy. I've been doing my research, and there's not that many options here in Australia. The good publishers don't take manuscripts from unpublished writers who are not represented by an agent. Many agents are not accepting new material this year or don't work with fantasy writers at all (probably because there are so many aspiring novelists). It's a scary world. They also wont take a look at your stuff if it's currently submitted to anyone else, so the rejection process is a slow one.

Then, if/when I do find someone willing to take a manuscript from an unpublished uneducated Miriam, they are going to edit the shit out of it and make me change a bunch of stuff. To be frank, this whole process scares the shit out of me.

So much so that self-publishing is starting to look like a great idea.

And I've always been against self publishing. That's for failures isn't it? And I'd need to pay for it up front, figure out all my own marketing... What a nightmare. Or I could just self-publish only for e-readers. But I feel that's shooting myself in the foot.

Gah. I don't know.
I don't want to deal with this, but at the same time I didn't come this far to just give up.