Ok so I know I shouldn't be blogging twice in one afternoon, please excuse that.

I dunno, just no one is home, and I didn't want to make this as a completely random thread.

See I was on facebook, and there's a link going around... Some random who looks like the actress in twilight... Kirstan Smith? Stewert? Gods, you know the one I'm sure *waves off her lack of social media knowledge* anyway, it's a video about how to talk/act more like her. Obviously, it's taking the piss. Now I've seen some of this actress's interviews, like in two minute blocks because I don't care much about movies as you know, and yes, she's not the most well spoken woman out there. I see that. On the other hand - I also see a human being. Someone with the ability to get nervous and overwhelmed. Some people probably think "she's an actress, she's in front of cameras all the time" and that's true, but these people are in front of cameras as someone else. They say and do the things in the script. They are at work. I kinda feel it's probably different for them when they are themselves and at public event or interview or whatever. Or I might be way off the mark. I'm happy to admit I don't know shit about dick here.

I also get that it's expected that people might take an issue with these actors, seeming there was quite a few people who were very anti-twilight. (Heck, I'm not the biggest fan either, and I wouldn't let my young teen daughter read it unless it was coming with a lecture on why we don't let our boyfriends treat us like that) However, I notice people don't have a problem with that guy who was in harry potter and Jacob's actor who never wears his shirt. I wonder why there's this discrepency.

I don't know why I'm even giving this the time of day, I guess it just makes me disapointed in my fellow man, that we get our kicks from putting other people down and hating on them. I want to say 1) we all have flaws and 2) as much as you might not like an actress or whatever - they are making a shitload of money that you're not. They are probably quite a bit more successful than you. Maybe instead of tearing them down for fun, you can do some work on yourself (like if it's a jealousy thing or something?).

*Shrugs* I mean, I've commented on Myer's writing alongside the rest of them. I read the books to find out what the big deal was, and I could see both why people enjoyed them and why they were utter crap. But, she's published and I'm not, so I can really see why I should be respectful or stfu haha.

I should be cooking not rambling. So I'll go and do that right now. But really people, less hate... more... something constructive?