Here's something that's been on my mind - Names, particularly, names for my children. I wont get gushy, it's safe to read this, in fact it's a bit of a rant.

I have loved the name Levi (yes, pronounced like the jeans) for many years. It is short for Leviathan. Which I also think is a cool name, (and I have met a person with that name) but because I don't want my child to be needlessly taunted, I wouldn't name my child that as their first name.

I don't think Obi will let up so I can have it as a middle name either, but all the other names I've chosen have grown on him, so who knows?

Anyway, my sister has had her names chosen since the dawn of time, and woe betide any man who thinks he's going to get a say. The primary name for her first boy child is Griffin. Which I like, but even if I didn't, I wouldn't make a fuss cause it's not my kid.

Now, as some back ground, I rarely talk with my sister about baby names because she likes to mock me :P and throughout our lives together, she has re-named every pet I've owned/ refuses to call them by their given names. Including the cat I have now. (Messiah, who she only ever calls Moonshadow. It's a nice nickname, it's cool. But it happens every time whether I'm ok with it or not.)

So back to Levi. I mentioned I liked it.

She's taking this offensivly, because Leviathan is in the bible - and he's a bad guy. I "may as well name the child satan" she said. Levianthan is the guardian of the gate of hell or something. I'm like "I'm not Catholic. Plenty of people name their children after characters in other people's mythologies". But because she is catholic, for me to name my child Levi would be a kick in the face, it would be disrespectful, etc. She went on to say that my very Christian mother-in-law would also be upset and might even disown us. (I find that hard to believe, mom is super laid back, and after our very wiccan wedding ceremony she told me it was beautiful and moving so...)

So I kind of want to know, from my lovely friends here: If you're Christian/Catholic and I named my kid Levi or Leviathan, would you be ofended? Am I being unreasonable?

She went on to say how if I do name a kid that she'll re-name it "tree branch", and also said she should name one of her children "Paganism is stupid and wrong". Uhm, thanks for that. Anyway...
If I had of been on the ball I'd have said "You can call my Levi tree branch, and I'll call your Griffin Harry Potter". I always get a good come back after the moment has passed, but no doubt this one will come up again.

So that's my rant for today! Glad to be letting that out