I'm at my sister's place, alone, using her internet. Mwahaha.
Oddly enough, I have had a key to almost every place she's ever rented, and she's never had a key to any place I've lived. However, I'm not just being an internet scab. I fed her pets and gave the dog his pills, before I raided her cupboard...

So, we don't have the net at home, I've been relying on my phone's data for everything (Thank you Telstra ). They reckon we'll have the net in 5-15 days. I can wait.
The most awesome (well, not the most but... pretty awesome) thing happened to me. See, Obi and I were here yesterday, feeding the animals and stealing the net, and he was ordering the pieces so he can build himself a new computer (he had a desktop, so bringing it from Canada wasn't an option, besides it was out of date.) And, I was a bit envious. I seriously miss having a desktop computer. But, I've only had this laptop three years, and it goes ok. But... I love gaming. And gaming just isn't the same on a laptop. There's the overheating, and the smaller screen, and the lack of comfort due to the screen being connected to the keyboard = slouching. And all that.

I just sat and kept him company. He knew how I felt, and that I'm more than willing to wait my turn for a new pc, whenever that may be... but he was surprised how cheap computer parts are over here. And then he was offering to just make the quantity 2 for everything he was ordering. It was so hard to say no. But, I did it. And he kept pushing and I kept saying no and thinking yes. But the answer was still no. Well, he decided to over-rule that. And changed the quantities to 2. For everything but the case, because he knew I wouldn't want the same case. So dumbstruck, I sat there and chose a new computer case....

He was so sweet. He told me that he never wants to have anything better than what I have, and that he wants to look after me (note - our finances are joint, it's not about the money.) It was just amazing for me, because although I've been given a computer or parts thereof before NEVER has someone given me exactly what they chose for themselves. I always got the cast-offs, the second hand bits after someone else upgraded, the cheaper stuff. I'm just the chick, what do I need with a man's machine? Well, Obi is having none of that!!

He's agreed that we'll give ourselves the gift of year-long WoW subscriptions (with the bonus of free Diablo 3) so we have more cheap things to enjoy together. I'm so excited. And geeky lol. But excited. We'll also be getting a printer so I can send out my manuscript to an agent (whom I've not yet found..)
We went out after that to hunt for desks... and got a mad bargin just across the street. These two desks (exactly alike) were $80, marked down to $30... and we convinced the shop keeper to give us them both for $50. Can't complain about that!! (They are a bit scratched up on the top, but like, who cares?)
So yes! Feeling so lucky.

On the house front, I didn't go this weekend because I worked, but Obi, Bec and Chris are there now still slaving away. The kitchen backsplash is finished (I laid the tiles last week which was mad fun, but we had to wait to grout it), the floor is sanded and polished/stained. The carpet is in. The paint is being touched up. Power points are getting new face-plates, curtains are being cut to size. We're on the home strech. Finally. I'll be praying hard for a fast sale with decent pennies!

What else? Oh! Last night Obi left his work notebook on his desk and I looked through it because I like to peek into his nerd world (he said I could anyway). I didn't understand most of it, but inside the back cover in our secret language he'd written little things like "I'm having a baby!" and about how he loves me and prays for my protection and that we're happy together forever and all this adoreable stuff! (And this man never prays!)

Our little unit... well, I'd like to say it's done, but it's been at a stand still. There's stuff all over the floor. I've been so effing sick I can't function. I even called in sick to work one day, and turned down a call in for another. It's ripping the stuffing out of me. I feel pathetic because I'm just not able to soilder on like usual. And, you know something they don't tell you about pregnancy? There's a good chance you wont be able to shit. Partly, this is because the hormone that helps your uterus strech has the added effect of relaxing your bowel - you kinda lose the ability to push. And the second culpret (sp) is the prenatal multi-vitimin - bungs you up real good. So yes. Right now there's not much I wouldn't give for the ability to go more than once or twice a week. I have carrot pain. (Oh come now, you know there's always TMI with Zephii's blog, don't look shocked)

Tomorrow night is the first night we'll come and visit Bec and Chris for dinner! I'm excited. How lame am I? But it was funny, because the night before Obi was like "So, Bec was talking about how we'll be over there visiting and for dinner all the time, but are we supposed to invite ourselves or do we wait for an invite? How does it work in your family?" Which was a good question because I've never been in the position where I had a partner who was welcome to join me at Bec's any old time... but the next morning Bec was on fb inviting us to come for dinner (and to cook for her. She can't fry her own chicken to save her life )

I'm a happy camper. But now I really need to take my lazy arse back home and get stuff done.
Many loves for all of you, but mostly Tanja!