I've been surviving using my phone's data pack for the past month because it takes forever to get the internet hooked up in my corner of the world. It feels so great not to have to worry about that anymore. Years of being in a different country from Obi have given me a rather unhealthy dependence on the internet and I admit, I don't feel comfortable if I'm in a place that doesn't have a connection (even though I can go for days without touching it, I like to know it's there.)

I also need to learn to type on a keyboard again. :/ It's so much different than my laptop. Ahh geekage.

Anyway, so things are pretty decent. Work's been good for both of us, we're settled into the new place, I don't get "morning" sickness any more. Life is good. The next steps are scary though, because I hate paperwork.

I have these four things to do:
1) Get the deeds to the house put into my new name, so when we sell it I wont have to fight for the money. Will likely cost a fortune. I dislike solicitors.
2) Get a doctor of the pregnancy and birth variety. I need to try and find one that bulk bills. I need to stop putting that off.... but I also need to change my medicare into my married name, and I've been putting that off too simply because dealing with medicare is one of those things that can eat an entire day. (And I'm not even joking.)
3) Print off sample chapters, make a synopsis, find an agent.
4) Gather paperwork and submit the next level of visa for Obi.

And I don't really want to do any of them

I'm worried about my sister too, because her bf just lost his job (keep that in the cone) and I know that they'll struggle til he gets another one. On top of that, the house they are renting is up for sale, which is stressful in itself as the agent holds open houses two days a week - and when the place gets sold they will need to move because the new owner will likely put up the rent or will want to live there themselves - yet it's pretty impossible to rent a place with one person not earning an income, because they check your proof of income, you need references from people at work etc.
So yeah :/ I hope he finds something soon.

Obi has decided (or rather his dad decided for him ) that he's not going to his sisters wedding without me, incase the baby comes early. (He was premie, and apparently it's one of his dad's biggest regrets, not having been there for the birth) It boggles my mind a bit, but I think he's a bit relieved to not have to go. I mean, I know he wanted to spend a couple of weeks at home and see his friends, but not seeing his sister or being there for this big life event doesn't seem to effect him. Maybe that's because he's a boy? I had horrible guilt over it for a while, but he reassures me that he's all good.

Also, we got our wedding photos back from the photographers and there's a few photos that she's in... this look would cross his face. He said he had a few "pangs" (our word for a small but sharp emotion of anger or resentment over a past issue) seeing her in them. I was glad then that she'd been such a bad groom's woman because she wasn't there when the boys got ready or anything and they got lots of photos just them, four best friends from childhood.
I think in some way we both wish she hadn't come to ours, so that makes it easier to not go to hers? I don't know.

I can't wait to see the digital negatives. We have them, but I haven't seen any of them because they are on Obi's hard drive, and he needs to install photoshop or something else to open them. We got quite a few decent photos. Ones I thought would be terrible turned out lovely. I have frames waiting for a few.

I'm excited for another reason. We have some mates in the same boat as us - Canadian boy, Aussie girl, country hopping... They aren't moving so much deliberately, they seem to get a bad case of "grass is greener" every time they move. Unfortunately they tend to move when we do, always swapping countries with us. It's hard to get a chance to see them. Well, he was finally granted his PR for Australia (even though they are in Canada right now) and they have to return to Oz by May next year to claim it. Hopefully they will choose to settle here for a couple of years and we can spend time together. And our kidlets can make friends. I think it would benefit the children to have friends who live in more than one country too.

Are any of you people playing Diablo 3? Obi and I both have it, but we're waiting to be together to play for the first time. I've been working til 9:30 at night, and he works days though, so as yet we have not had the chance. Maybe we'll stay up late tonight and have a look? It'll be nice to have something to do together again. He's been reading to me, of course, but seeing we don't watch/own TV and we haven't been going out much, without our games there's not much we do together to have fun. We've missed it.

Thinking of going out... My birthday is Sunday. I think it's the first time in... well a few years, that I'm not depressed about getting older. I'm usually not keen because I feel so far behind my peers (no career, no tertiary education, no kids blah blah) but this year I've done a lot. We moved home to Australia. My house is ready to sell (mostly because of Bec I admit). My first book is done, albeit not published. I'm married and pregnant. I've done well for a change.
Being pregnant is a bit gay though, because there's so much you can't eat. My favorite food is sushi, and we usually get that for special occasions, if we don't get sushi, then there is always fancy seafood involved... most of which I'm not supposed to eat now. So I was a bit erked about going out for my birthday. Obi will want to take me out, and Bec will want to take all four of us out... anyway, I had an epiphany in the shower: Pancakes on the rocks for one, Max Brenner for the other. There are still some great foods in the world I can have and chocolate is right at the top of that list. (Yes, I'll be careful of the caffeine.)
So yay!

I should shut up now.