I keep trying to get things done, in the hope that each small success will inspire me to the next task on the list, however it's been a bit like pulling teeth.

I needed to visit the clinic today. So I get ready and just as I'm leaving the sky opens up. I'm not walking half an hour in the rain, so I go back inside. Not too long later it passes, so I get my arse out the door... it was a delay I didn't need, but in all honesty, I'm not working today I have time.

I went to the medical center because I need a referral for my "half way" ultrasound, and I need some information from my last lot of blood work. Well first up no one knew what I was asking for with the blood-work thing, so the key information I would need to have re-done and then not leave until the bastards give me a print out. Anyway, I waited quite a while, being a walk in clinic, and then some guy calls me. He's about 100 years old and his English is on the decent side of passable - he's Italian - most people in my suburb are.
Anyway, I tell him what I need and he looks confused, then has a go at me because he doesn't like to deal with women's issues. He's like "wait.. are you pregnant?" with a face that would better suit a 14 year old discovering that their parents still have sex. Then he's asking all these questions that should already be on my file. When he finds out I'm going through an independent midwife he gets his knickers knotted even further and tells me "I don't do shared care, all my patients are my own" I didn't think of it at the time, but really that's utter bullshit - this medical center refuses to set up any appointments and patients go on a rotation, first doctor available takes the next patient in line.
Aaaanyway, so, he wouldn't give me a referral for blood work, so I'll need to do that another time. At least (after repeating myself 100 times) I got the referral for my 19-22 week ultrasound. As I leave he tells me to take my problems to a woman doctor next time. Uh, thanks for that. Additionally, fuck you.

So that was a bit dis-empowering.

I get home and decide seeming it's not raining I should have a go at getting the laundry done, but it's a coin laundry and I only have enough $2 coins for one load. Not sure if it was likely to rain again (thus requiring even more coins to run the drier), and hoping retail therapy would pick me up, I head across the road to do some shopping.

That was good at least. Target had a massive 40% off clearance on their baby gear, so I went a bit nuts and bought some onesies and singlets in tasteful neutrals. When I got to the checkout, I found out that it was 40% off the clearance price on each tag, so I saved a lot more than I expected. That was awesome. I would have shown less restraint had I realised lol. The check out chick was obviously having a shit day, but I tried to let that roll off me, and got a bunch of $2 coins in the process.

So I get home, pretty happy with myself, gather together some coins, washing power and stinky clothes... head down the hall to the public laundry AND THEN.....

It's locked. Who does that, honestly? Not only is it locked, it's also not in use (can see through the outside window, but can't climb through said window). So I feel a bit like I'm destined to not get anywhere today. I don't have a key, and I don't know who does. Oh the joys of living in units. I'm patient, I still have clean knickers in my draw. Obi's not so lucky.

I took out the garbage, and I can see other work I could be doing (or cookies I could be baking) but I'm all blerg. Maybe I should quit while I'm ahead. <- I dislike this saying, but I still use it. Why is that? Or maybe I should go buy more baby gear. It's not like we don't need it after all, we don't have anything really and I can't see me being thrown a baby shower either. Maybe eating something will make the world a better place? I don't like days like this. Hopefully I'll get a second wind and stuff will fall into place for the rest of the day.

In prepier news, I wrote up my cover letter and synopsis for my book over the weekend and sent it to an author friend-of-a-friend to proof read. I'm terrified and excited all at once. I still need to story board this book (so I have a visual of what I've done and where I'm going), finish and edit book two and make a start on book three. I guess I can't rely on NaNo for that this year, being due in November and all! So woo

D&D has started back up, all online via ooVoo now, and that's a great thing. It's not my favourite pass time, and giving up a chunk of each Saturday I'm not working to play it is a bit how's that going BUT it's great for Obi to finally "hang out" with his mates again. He also spent a large chunk of the weekend on skype with his best mate (who works too much to play D&D) and that seemed to really perk them both up. It was nice for me too, they are my mates as well, and I miss them (though not half as badly as I missed here while I was there.)

I've decorated the house a bit in preparation for the winter solstice too, which I'm pumped for. Going to invite some people around for a meal, and then afterwards Obi is going to do a ritual with me, and I'll teach him a bit about it. The support is great. Feeling connected to the earth and Gods again is also wonderful. For a while there I felt like a part of me had died... but now it's back, and I am happy.

Baby is on my mind again. I've decided that if they can tell me the gender, I do want to know. I thought I didn't, that I'd need some kind of reward at the end of labour... but really, surviving labour will be reward in itself (as long as I avoid a traumatic experience anyway). I'm actually really looking forward to that transition in my life. I think I need my head read, but it's better than being scared.
But I'm wondering... is there something other than shopping I could be doing for the baby right now to occupy this urge I have? I can't decorate a nursery because we're not having one...

Anyway that's enough ramble for now!