There are things I should be doing, but oh well. I'll have a blog and then I'll get something useful happening with the rest of my day. I seriously had the best nap ever. Usually if I nap I get down on myself, but not today. Damn I needed that.

Anyway, instead of sleeping I should have been cleaning, and this is why:
Saturday we had our winter solstice party. Obi's been great about my resurgence of faith and is really getting into it. He even remembered to buy me an "inexpensive holiday appropriate gift"... but he didn't find time to wrap it. So, thinking he was funny, he quickly swaddled each candle in a pair of his underwear. I know they were clean at least because I'd done every scrap of washing the day before. And I'll come back to this, bear with me.

So later, my sister, BIL and best mate show up, and we cooked them an almost successful meal. For some reason, the pumpkin didn't cook in the time the recipe said it would, and for most of us it was inedible, but everyone loved the stuffing so much that they seemed not to mind. And the pie came out of the freezer, so I couldn't bugger that up Thinking ahead!

It was a pretty good night, I even convinced everyone to do a small ritual with me (I put it to them as "let's play a game"). I was touched by how on-board my very Catholic sister was. However my other mate was impatient to leave, because he was worried about getting home on public transport and scared of walking to the train station at night (which I'll never understand. This is a safe area... and.. he's a guy. I'd love to be a guy so that in the event something went wrong I'd have a better chance of defending myself, but different strokes) so, feeling that I got impatient and the end result was a small melted patch of carpet, and the top of my footstool getting more burn holes in it. It was more funny than anything else... but, I'm having lingering annoyance simply because he was impatient to go - but he'd almost ruined the night for everyone anyway, and I was feeling rather uncomfortable myself.

See, he's way into politics, which is good because it helps me stay educated, but he fights like a typical politician too. And somehow the conversation landed on a fairly controversial issue. Smoking, cancer, and it's effect on the medical system.
There's two views:
1) That the government makes so much in tax it would actually suffer quite a bit if everyone stopped smoking tomorrow. (Seriously, the tax on our smokes and booze over here is something else.)
2) The associated cost of smoking on the health care system is SO HIGH that the government wants people to stop smoking because the huge taxes don't begin to cover it.
Now, that's hazy because almost every illness can be blamed on cigarettes these days. Seriously. Now, I watched my mother die very slowly of cancer and she'd smoked since she was 9 years old... and even before then I hated the stuff BUT there's a line you have to draw when you need to ask "is this realistic?" There are a lot of other causes for illness as well, but if you're sick and you smoke it's gotta be that. Even if you're sick and you don't smoke, they might say it's from passively breathing it in.

So, he's saying it can be proven with statistics that the cost on the health system is higher, and is talking over the top of Bec and Chris in his fight to prove his point. Now, all three are biased. Bec and Chris only gave up serious heavy smoking a year and a half ago - and Bec's done her nurse training and dealt with a lot of sick people at that level.

Anyway, I can't stand people arguing around me. Voices were getting raised (though they swear it was in fun) and I was obviously distressed. I asked them to stop, and Chris reached out to shake an "agree to disagree" but he just kept persisting with his case. So yeah, I'm feeling like if he's late leaving (and could have left at any time regardless but didn't want to because he wanted a lift from Chris who wasn't ready to leave) then that's his bad for starting an hour long blue in my living room!

Feels good to let that out. Haha.

Anyway, after Chris drove him to the train, they stayed quite a bit longer, Bec getting a good sample of the free whiskey, and Bec had me open a letter from the realestate she'd been putting off. I skimmed it to make sure she wanted to hear it... and then read it out to everyone.

Our house that we worked so hard on is finally on the market - and on the internet!! We could be free in a few months. I'll be free of debt to Bec and obligation to the house - and Bec will hopefully also get out of debt and begin to heal. And damn does it look good. We Google street-viewed the house for comparison with the photos on Domain. We came so far, and it was mostly Bec and Chris getting us there. So proud! Hope it sells soon.

Anyway, eventually I asked them to leave so I could go to bed haha (it was midnight). And Sunday was full of nothing. We cleaned up some of the aftermath of the visit, and then just played computer games most of the day in our pjs. It was only at the point where we decided to go catch a movie that we discovered something...

Obi's like "where's my underwear?"
He's always asking me where shit is, without having a good look, it seems to be a wife thing for me to know where things are all the time.
"In your underwear draw," I tell him. He's like, "no they aren't" and as he's speaking, it dawns on me...

After I'd unwrapped my gifts on Saturday, I'd put his knickers back in the gift bag... later that day, after we cleaned the kitchen and prepared the meal, I'd taken that same bag out to the bins.

When he'd looked in the bag, he'd only seen wrapping paper and assumed the bag was trash. So he'd used the bag as a bin. When I saw the bag, I assumed he'd emptied it before using it.
So he had to go scab through the bin, on bin night when it was at it's fullest (and they are shared bins, being in units) to get back his undies, because every pair he owned was out for collection. I laughed my arse off.

They smelt pretty rank when he bought them inside, and he went to work without any on today (still laughing). So I do need to get them washed for tomorrow.
I also should be doing the dishes, as it's my turn.

I was useful today though. I went to work from 10am-1pm thinking that was a five hour shift, and I was pleasantly surprised, forty minutes before I left, to figure out it was only three. (Math often fails me)
Then when I got home I finally found a medical imaging center that does 19 week morphology AND bulk-bills AND I can get there reasonably easily without a car. So I booked in for the 4th of July and I seriously can't wait!! I also organised with the hot water guy for when he can fix my system so it stops leaking on the floor. So the day wasn't a waste.

I really really need to get on Obi's visa shit though. We have a month before we lodge, and I don't have my new passport or my stat decs yet. I know I'm just putting it off because it's a hassle, and I don't know why I do that because it only makes me stressed. So yeah, gotta get on it!

Everything else is going swimmingly. I was freaking out the other day because I discovered stretch marks on my belly but, I practically bathed in the creams and oils for the days after that, and they are gone. Must be vigilant! However, the underside of my boob was not so lucky and that stretchy isn't budging. I think I can live with that, seeming once I stop breastfeeding I'm going to have all kinds of sag anyway!

I need to do some sewing too. Today I got dressed for work after three days off and I couldn't do up my pants. It took me a good three minutes to get both buttons together, but even then, the zipper kept undoing itself my whole shift. I'm busting out. Gotta do something about that before tomorrow!

I think that's my life in a nutshell. Now it's your turn!