You might remember that just before Obi came to Australia, his sister got engaged. She planned her wedding date for nine months after ours. No body knew Obi and I were trying to conceive, because we didn't need the hassle of his family guilt tripping us about our choice to do it here, or my family telling us we're not ready.

At the time we married, we were both very conscious that a potential pregnancy could stop me flying, but hey, most couples don't hit the jackpot and manage to fall pregnant the first month they try. So we did it anyway, and sure enough, my estimated due date ended up too close to the wedding date for me to fly safely. And Obi's dad is so scarred about not having been there for Obi's birth that he cautioned against Obi going alone for the wedding, even though I think it'd have been fine. (But hell, I don't mind. Going LD even for two weeks is not on my "I want this" list at any level.)

Anyway, the sister and I have been on better terms. The other day she contacts me and asks "Did you get cold feet before you got married?" I'm like "No, I already felt like I was married."
And we talked. She opened up to me a little, and asked for advice. Then I didn't hear anything for a few days. I knew she was still distressed though, because in the middle of the night (my time, not hers) she'd sent a message asking if I was awake.

When we finally got a hold of each other a few days after, she had been staying at the parent's house a couple of nights already. We talked some more, and she gave me permission to tell Obi about her situation (She'd told me not to say anything. And I made a huge effort and kept it to myself for three odd days, but eventually told him. I don't have secrets from my husband. If I know something, he knows it too.) and to ask him to contact her with brotherly advice...

The long and the short of it is, we're both glad we did not buy plane tickets (Because whist it would still be nice to fly back and see everyone, it's a massive expense we don't need with an imminent baby). It's not facebook official yet, but she tells me that she broke up with him today and his facebook status tells me she's not pulling my leg.

Good on her though. It must be hard to back out that close to your wedding date, after your invitations have gone out, you have the dress and your deposits are down. It goes to show that a guy might be worth dating and living with for a few years, but that doesn't mean you want to lock it in forever. There's always that fear that nothing better will come along of course, but it's great she listened to her heart and didn't settle.

And, no, they didn't have major issues. He's a good guy, she's a nice lass. But that doesn't mean they were great together. I'm a little proud of her. And a lot relieved that we didn't plan our life around hers - which we had put serious thought into doing.

Anyway, it was on my mind, so I wanted to blog it out. I really should do something useful now. Maybe I'll buy Obi flowers and cook him a nice meal, after I go to the gym, get my eldest sister a birthday card and do the dishes. Yes. It's a plan.