...between bravery and stupidity.

Today I wonder which category I fall into exactly, and I suspect it may be the latter haha. Oh well.

I've been sick the better part of this week, but am on the mend. My throat still hurts and now's a great time to invest in tissue stocks if you're looking for shares in a company, but over-all I'm feeling much better than I did. Which is great, I'm really happy because usually it takes me ages to overcome any kind of flu. *Absently touches wood*

The reason this is even an issue is tomorrow Obi and I are taking a little weekend trip down the blue mountains to Jenolan caves. Which we've both been meaning to do for years, but public transport to get there is so shockingly terrible we just never bothered. So we hired a car. I wanted to do it before this pregnancy got any more advanced. But, if I'm 100% honest with myself I'm not sure I'm up to it. My hips and back ache as it is. I still go to the gym and all, but I don't push myself, and haven't for months. I don't know my limit but I do know I tire easily. We've booked three caves, each with a duration of two hours.

I'm stoked about the first, because it's a night-time ghost tour. Spooky! Haha. And though it's long, it's not listed as being difficult. That's Saturday night.
Sunday's caves are the ones that make me wonder. They are both classified as "harder" caves, for people with better than average levels of fitness. What the hell is an average level of fitness? I'd like to think I'm still average at least lol, but I really don't know what is. Each cave has about 1000 steps. (rounding one up and one down) and one of them involves climbing ladders. I figure I can stick my knees out at a funny angle and get around my belly that way? I make me wonder sometimes!!

Not being entirely stupid, we've spaced them out though, at least a little. There's a two hour break between them. It's really important to me that I don't let myself down on this. When you get knocked up people treat you like a fucking invalid and I hate it. It drives me batty. I can't stand the opinion that Obi should be doing everything for me, or that I should stop working out, stop doing my duties at work, stop lifting heavy items... blah freaking blah. I like to believe my body will tell me when enough is enough and that my baby wont just fall out if I make a mistake. I'm sick of being judged by the standard so many soft-cocks set before me. Grr. But, if I find that I am incapable of doing these tours, that might just shatter my confidence a bit.

Now there's a rant incoming (another one lol). I have these mates in my home town that I've been trying to organise a meet-up with while we're down the mountain, seeming we'll be only like 30 minutes away rather than the three hours away we are now. The boyfriend lives in my home town and is in a LDR with my other mate who's going to travel down and see him so the four of us can hang out. I'm grateful she's willing to make the trip (though if I know LDRs I'd know that any excuse for a visit is a good excuse!) and all, but some people just suck at trying to organise stuff. He's got sports that he can't miss out on, but neither of them would tell me WHEN he plays so I could work a meet around their times. I also asked her several times WHEN she needs to leave our hometown on Sunday evening and she didn't bother to answer. So, we went ahead and booked the tours we wanted (and we missed the time we wanted for the first one, because we waited so long) and I'm like "these are the times we'll be underground"... only THEN does she tell me she can't leave hometown any later than 4:30, which is half an hour after we get off our last tour. Frustrating!! We don't have time between caves to drive down and see them over lunch, and she wont tell me if they are willing to meet us there for lunch, or if they want to join a tour with us, even though they indicated they would like to. And neither Obi or I are likely to have phone reception in the middle of the bush so we can't just leave it all to the last minute. AHHH!

So my only option here seems to be to do the ghost tour and then try to organise a really late dinner with them on the Saturday. Which will likely end up being going to the pub, where I can't bloody drink. Now I didn't mind having one or two in early pregnancy, but these days I can feel the effect everything I eat has on my fetus... especially the caffine, so I'm cutting way back!... so I don't want to get the guilts over whatever happens if I have a beer (haven't had a drink since I started to feel movement). We'll see.
The problem with this plan is the hotel we're booked in at is in another town altogether - and their reception shuts at 9pm. So, it'd be a bit of juggling to get that worked out.

I was a bit bummed really. There's a lot of accommodation at the caves themselves, but all the hotel style rooms were taken. There's backpackers left, and also rooms with shared bathrooms... but I had to say no to that. Usually I wouldn't care... but do you have any idea how often during the night a pregnant chick pees? Seriously some nights it's more than 5 times. Not having a bathroom in our room is seriously not an option for me right now.

So yes. Will need to work this all out with Obi when he comes home. And I need to shorten my pants. I bought new fat pants for this adventure, seeming my jeans are suspiciously tight and unable to be done up. Thinking of which.. you know those "belly bands"? I got one so I could just continue to wear my jeans... but all they really are is a piece of elastic with a loin cloth attached. And you just tuck the loin cloth into the open fly of your pants to hide your knickers and off you go... running around with your pants undone. Uhm, yeah. No thanks.

On the baby front, things are going great. We've stocked up on all our cloth nappies and Obi got impressively involved on that. It was really nice - he was price checking and comparing styles, and watching youtube videos on how they work, because some of them are just really confusing to use as they adjust for different sized babies. We took turns choosing the patterns we liked Then the next day one of the compaines we went with had a massive sale >< so he emailed them and was like "We were a day too soon!" they couldn't refund us anything because the nappies had been shipped but they sent us a free gift worth like $40 so that was nice I'd never have the balls to email people and ask for discounts like that. He's a handy guy to have around.

Now though my house is getting over-run with nappies, because we don't have any baby furniture yet. Need to email my cousin and ask if he was serious about giving us his old cot and change table with draws. Hmm.

Obi got to feel his gecko-fetus-child move for the first time the other day. It was really cute. Then he was poking me trying to get her to poke back. Hasn't had any luck with that yet haha. It was funny though, we were playing diablo 3, and we both had to turn our volume down, because the explosions and stuff were startling the fetus. Such a strange sensation!! I think I'm starting to enjoy this stuff.

That's enough ramble for now, better get dinner on.
If you're reading this Tanja, I'm thinking of you and wondering how everything's going. I'm also thinking of Luce with mad excitement! The wedding is so close now!! Can't wait to read about it and see photos Hint hint!