First up, the weekend was great. I didn't have anything to worry about. Apparently, the average level of fitness in this country must be pretty freaking poor, because I was more than fine. Yeah, I huffed and puffed at the top of the stair cases a few times, but definitely wasn't the loudest huffer there! It was a really good adventure. I learnt a lot about Obi too. I have never seen him show so much enthusiasm for anything we've done together.

I've probably mentioned that he doesn't get excited easily, and it can be difficult to get him to let go, not worry and just have fun. Well, the wonder of the underground world really got him there. And that made me pretty happy. Also, the roads to get to the place were nothing short of scary. Very steep, hair pin turns, places where the road is so narrow two cars can't pass each other... and it goes for several kms. I was so afraid that I bearly got travel sick at all, meanwhile he thought it was the best road Australia has to offer, and he's saying "Weeeee" as we go around turns, and laughing his arse off at the speed limit signs. There was a place that wasn't quite as bad leading up to the hair-pins, and the speed limit is posted at 100km/hr and he's all like because he's comfortably going 70 haha. It was good to see because in BC, where he's from, everyone goes 10k over the speed limit pretty much at all times. The cops wont even book you until you're more than ten clicks over.

The caves themselves were great. I wouldn't recommend the ghost tour though. The guide obviously did not believe in ghosts, which didn't help.... it just wasn't creepy at all. Possibly because the stories were about other people's ghost sightings, and not really about who the ghosts might have been? I dunno. There also have been a really low number of deaths in the area, which makes it hard to believe in hauntings. The history stuff was cool though, and the aboriginal stories.

I wont bore you with too many details about the rest of the adventure... but I'll give the ladder a mention. There were two in our hardest cave. The first, well, it could be hardly called a ladder in my opinion and it made me over confidant by the second one... which was another matter entirely. I'm not big on heights, and you've got this damp metal ladder bolted into the rock going straight down. I thought I was going to die, it was great lol. On another tour, there were 60 people, it was excessive! But this one couple... every four meters or so they would stop, and the boy would take a picture of the girl. At one point I got fed up and squeezed past them, and was careful to stay ahead of them the rest of the tour. But at one point closer to the end of the tour, half the group is waiting in a dark chamber for the second half to catch up and I can hear this older guy telling his mate about the same couple and how frustrated he was. I also heard the guide remark "What, you forgot what she looks like already?" It was funny.

We never did meet up with those mates, no surprise there. They want to come up next Sunday, but I think I'll cancel. I don't really feel up to it, and it'll be Obi and I's only day off together this week. Would be nice to relax.

Also, because we had a car (hired one for the trip) we went down to ikea and finally bought a rug. We've wanted one for ages, but last time we had a car, the rug we wanted was out of stock and I was too sick to travel to another store. Last night after work Obi and I had some teamwork and got it laid out. We felt pretty happy with ourselves. It's just sad really because it's shaggy and off-white too boot. It's not going to look good for very long haha. But, it's mostly just to protect the carpet, because I'm just really bad with carpet and we don't want to lose our entire damage deposit. When the rug gets too stained, maybe we can buy some dye, make it colourful and then stick it in the kid's room.

Thinking of kids, it's hard to do much else at this point. Ooo hehe! My belly is dancing by itself again! Looks funny, but if it goes on too long it makes you feel a bit sick My sister Angie is trying to convince us all to go to Melb for Christmas again this year, and after what happened last Christmas I swore I'd never be stranded in a car with my other sister for ten hours ever again.... but at this point the baby wont be able to fly (they can't fly for three months apparently, something to do with their inner ear still developing?). I'm not sure it's even reasonable to expect a couple with a new born to attempt a 10 hour car trip, but that aside, we don't own a car or a car capsule (Australia has really strict laws about how children travel) and we didn't want to buy one if we could avoid it, it's just added clutter and expense. So I dunno. Maybe we can rent a car that comes with one?

Anyway, Obi suggested that he'd like to go camping for his birthday in a fortnight. I'm not really big on camping personally, especially being preg, but I humored the idea anyway. However, we have no gear, and glamping is too expensive. So, I've delayed and am trying to organise a camping trip for Christmas instead. Angie could drive up and we could all drive down and meet her half way. And Obi could go fishing with someone other than me, because honestly, fishing is pretty boring. Figuring out camping with a new born shouldn't be too hard. Except for the nappies. We don't have enough to go more than 2 days without washing, so it'd be disposables *twitch* But it seems doable!

Baby still needs some name suggestions. Obi offered up four, a couple weeks back. And that's all I've heard about that. I also assume I'm not to suggest any more either, because if I suggest them, then that takes away from his sense of involvement. So I just need to wait. But waiting is annoying.

I'm also waiting on him to tell me if he wants to go away for his birthday or if he wants to stay home, so I can plan around that. Damn indecisiveness!