I've been looking forward to today for like, three weeks. That is seriously how pathetic I am. What's so special about today? Today is the day I've allowed myself to set up owlet's bed. See, any earlier and I'd have to re-wash everything before she gets here, but much later and well, it might not get done in time. .. well alright, I could have probably waited one more week! But anyway...

Like they recommend with adult bedding and clothes, but most of us probably don't bother to do (I know I don't most of the time), you have to wash it all before you use it to get the manufacturing chemicals out. That and some of the bed pieces were on display and were a bit grotty. Anyway, baby's skin being so sensitive, I decided to do the right thing and wash all her crap for her. By hand, because honestly, she has what seems like a lot of crap (Three sets of sheets, two lots of cot blankets etc! I only have one set of sheets for Obi and I >.>) and the coin laundry isn't cost effective. It's $2.20 per load - and that's not a large load either. Oh and if you want to use the drier, that'll be another $2.20 thank you.

We've been having stinking hot weather for spring, but of course, not this weekend when I want to use the power of the mighty sun to get all this stuff dry and smelling fresh. So, I'm a bit annoyed. Didn't stop me hanging all the bedding on the line regardless though, an extra rinse never hurt right? My phone tells me that it'll be dry from 3pm today til 10am tomorrow. That might just be long enough. And the weather man on my phone is rarely wrong.

I'm getting right into this nesting stuff. My hormones are my best friends right now. It's like YAY! Cleaning! I can't wait!! And then after that I'm all like YAY! feeling accomplished let's have sex!! - and this might be TMI but it's not bloody easy to have sex in your last months of pregnancy ok? The mind is willing, but the body is heavy and weak and with all this poking going on inside you, that last thing you really want is someone to come and poke you some more! So I hope this feeling sticks with me right up until I pop haha. There's still so much to do (home wise), and I don't want to be like the women on my other forum (relationship wise).

Now these women are all like "Oh, I don't have sex with my husband during the first or the third trimester" or "I don't have sex at all while I'm pregnant" and then they are like "Oh he shouldn't expect sex or even hint that he might want to get intimate for six months after the birth" Uhm.. what? Some of these people have 3 - 5 kids. That's YEARS worth of no sex for that poor bloke. They are all "My needs this" and "he has two hands" that. Obi and I agree that, unless there was some kind of serious medical complication for that period of time, this kind of neglect would be "grounds for cheating" (we often discuss things that are "grounds for cheating" or "grounds for divorce" because we're odd like that.)
Anyway, during this pregnancy my libido has plummeted and we both know it. At first it was the constant fatigue and nausea, and over time it was more he didn't want to try and instigate and come across as pressuring, but I felt like he didn't instigate because I'm fat haha (Even though he tells me every day that I'm beautiful and sexy), and then as I got even fatter, it's just the sheer effort of getting started... because everything is uncomfortable lol. That and I'm already pregnant. I don't know what it's like for other women, but a big part of what turns me on and makes me seek out sex is there's always that chance it will lean to breeding. Now I'm pregnant, a small part of my brain is like "what's the point, we can't get re-pregnant now". Do other chicks get this too? So I'm really grateful for any little boost my hormones can give me as we're nearing the end. I'm not used to being the one that says "not tonight" because that's always been him! And we can build up some extra love to tide us over for the first few weeks.

I know having owlet will change everything. Having kids can destroy even the strongest relationship. And I reckon all women are like "I wont let that happen to us!" but then after the baby is born, it's their whole world, and nothing prepares you for how tired you'll be. I know that there wont be intercourse for a while, but I'm trying to convince myself that I'm a good enough person not to make Obi go it alone for months and months. I have hands and a mouth and ... feet if I get real hard-pressed lol. I need to remember to keep the oxytocin high between us as partners and not just between me and the owl.
We've talked about it a lot of course, about how we'll treat each other, coping strategies for different things, shared parenting, extra housework on his part. I hope that all this talking will stand us in good stead to get through this, just as it did when we had all the talks about living together, or what we expect out of marriage.

Thinking of parents... He put his foot down with his, and for the middle portion of their visit, they will sleep somewhere else. I am so relieved, and looking forward to their visit a lot more now.

So that's what's on my mind at the moment Now, back to cleaning....