A birth plan that is.
Yesterday I started the daunting task of typing that shit up, and I got like half way through and I'm like WTF is the point of this bullshit? It's all common sense.
Then last night I'm talking to Obi about it and I'm like "Does this benefit us at all? You know what to do right? You know where everything is and what pain management tools we have, don't you?"
And he's like "I know I should give you massages constantly and press on the points on your back. And we have heat packs."
Me: "I'll get that birth plan done tomorrow."
Hahaha. The moral of this story is that you should never assume someone knows shit just because you do - even if you've talked to them about it extensively.

I finished instructions for him, now I just have to put everything he might need in an easy to find place (most likely the change table). I will probably label everything individually for his convenience. Other wise the cold cloth for my face and the hot cloth for my twat might end up in each others places and that would be unpleasant!
I also typed up my hospital birth preferences, which is a lot more necessary - but will hopefully work out to be a wasted effort. Fingers crossed.

Slowly my body is thinking about what it needs to do. I had painful cramping a couple weeks back, but that seems to have settled. Now I'm getting what I assume is braxton hicks - also known as "tightenings"
It's weird because, well, I always figured childbirth sensations would be all down low because that's where your gearbox is. Yeah, it doesn't work like that - because your gearbox gets much bigger. Technically, the top of my uterus is jammed up somewhere under my ribs now, which means if my uterus does stuff, I'm going to feel it all over my belly, not just in the tiny patch at the bottom where your rag makes you miserable.
Yesterday I was at work, minding my own business, when these tightenings were happening, and it was really quite funny. It didn't hurt, but my whole belly would just get really hard and tight for about 30 seconds. I was fascinated. I hope no one noticed me poking myself.

I have six shifts left at work. Thinking of which, I'm pretty stoked. We get to dress up for Halloween! One of my workmates and I requested it from our line manager a while back and she gave a flat out no because "It's an American tradition" (Aussies don't much like American culture - however, this statement just shows the general level of ignorance in our country, because Halloween dates waaaay back and it's not American at all!). Well, looks like the boss's wingman over ruled her, because all departments are being encouraged to join in the fun (of course. If it helps sell lollies and costumes, the boss isn't going to turn it down, he's not a moron.)

It's pretty exciting for me. I love Halloween (as it's basically the same as the Wiccan holiday Samhain) but it's so rarely celebrated over here. I can't wait until it actually takes off and more people embrace it. Of course, now I need a work-appropriate costume that actually fits my fatness and wont kill me in the 30 degree heat that they are forecasting. I'm thinking I might take the easy way out and go as a witch. I have lots of long black dresses and a cloak, so I'd really just need a hat. I want to get a stuffed toy kitten to pin to my shoulder - it wouldn't be complete without that!
OR! I could go as a ghost of the white-sheet-with-eye-holes variety. I think that would be fun. I could sneak up behind people in the self serve and make spooky noises. Plus, I have a shitload of white cloth strips from the wedding, and I could put them to good use. I'm not sure if we'd be allowed to have costumes that cover our faces actually.... but yes. Going to play with this idea a little. I've done the witch thing before and I'm over it, and a ghost would be inexpensive and wouldn't require fancy make up.

The part that makes me nervous is that I'm working a morning shift that day, so I wont have the chance to sneak over and see if anyone else has dressed up, and I'm a bit scared of being the only one to do it. But I guess I need to just get in there and set a good example.

Still working on my list from last time, reposting to make it easy on me to find:

- Visit real estate and change the time they wish to do the inspection so that it doesn't clash with work. Pay rent.
- Message Sonja and move midwife appointment so that it doesn't clash with work or with real estate inspection.
- Message Jess to go to yoga at least once this week. Then actually go.
- Call camp grounds, book space, inquire about cabin for Angie.
- Visit Bec, take spare baby quilt.
- Meet up with Rosser for pancakes.
- Go to Centrelink and apply for Paid Parental Leave.
- Fill prescriptions for baby's vitamin K and Anti-D.
- Buy nappy bucket. And freezies and bendy straws for labour.
- Get junk food for Halloween.