Facebook just alerted me to the fact that NaNoWriMo started at midnight last night. Well, of course it did Miriam, how many days do you think October has? So where am I? I have a novel series that seems to only make real progress this one month a year (and yes, I know this is never going to get my career off the ground but right now I really couldn't care less), I have not done my story board. I don't remember where my characters are or what they were doing this time last year... actually, fuck. Yes I remember. I stopped right before the should-be-epic chapter where the Elf and Naga sneak into the Church's dungeons and somehow rescue the world's only fire mage. Rrrriight. I think I remember stopping because honest to God I have no idea how to write that shit.

I'm a "pantser" though. That's how I write. I go in with no fucking clue, I write some shit and then later I go back over it and putty up the massive plot holes so it all makes sense. So I guess I should just go write some shit. I haven't officially joined NaNo though. But I have no real excuse not to write. Tomorrow is my last day at work (to the best of my knowledge, I might get a call in I suppose.) My house is still really clean. I have the time. And I have junk food.

I feel like I'd go in knowing I'll fail. But I'll go hang around the NaNo forum for a while, and maybe I'll remember why I love November so damn much.

Incoming fat whale rant: I am so uncomfortable. I found out yesterday at my midwife appointment that my gecko-owl is engaged - that is to say, her head is low, sitting in the hole in my pelvis, bumping up against my cervix when I move in certain ways (btw, that does not feel good. At all!) - she's locked and loaded, ready to go. So, that's nice, but the disappointing thing is, I'd been led to believe once the baby drops down I'd be able to do certain things again. I dunno, like breathe comfortably or eat an adult-sized meal. Nope, still not happening for me. Owl must take after her dad... give her more room in the bed and she stretches out to take it all up. The fact that I could possibly still have another month of this is daunting. Please child, don't do that to me. Please. I'm still for the most part, enjoying this pregnancy, I don't really want it to get to the point where I can't keep my humour anymore.

Halloween was yesterday! Work was possibly the best part of my day. Now, there were signs all over the lunch room/back dock/lockers telling us to dress up, wear scary make-up etc. And the managers let it be known verbally that if you weren't going to dress up the least you could do was wear all black for the day.
I went as a ghost, (which I would show you, except I don't have any full-length photos of my costume. When I get hold of one I'll share it.) and one of the managers went as a black cat. A handful of employees wore black. THAT WAS IT.
I was the only check out chick to show up in a costume. Which was a bit awkward. But! the reception I got for it was so great I didn't mind. It's at this point where I realised that somewhere along the lines I grew some balls. I'm not the shy, socially awkward, crippled by anxiety, mouse that I used to be.
One of the managers took my photo for the supermarket's website - which is nation wide. It's a huge company. So it was a bit like O.o but flattering too.

I stayed in costume the rest of the day, not having enough face paint to take it off and then re-apply for the evening. - Including for my midwife appt and the house inspection. The house inspection was weird. The agent was nice and everything, and was super quick... but she took photos. And that made me really uncomfortable. Said they were for the landlord. But that's not in my lease, I know it isn't. I've been renting for like seven years, maybe more, and I've never seen or heard of that. A bit invasive if you ask me!
Anyway, don't have to do it again for three months, and I put in a request to have some stuff fixed, so that's good too.

For the evening, because we don't get ToTers, I went out to find children to corrupt with lollies. Found a few in the supermarket and inspired some adults to buy chocolate, which is good for business lol. But out on the street? It was like a ghost town. We saw two groups of kids, one group of teens, and a couple lonely toddlers with a parent, and that was it. Last year had a much better turn out.
Because everything gets to me at the moment, it actually really upset me. But then, I celebrate Halloween for religious reasons as well, and I do really want my nation to embrace it, so my kids can have it in both their countries growing up. But, like always, Obi built me back up.
And then a car stopped at the lights and a little girl stuck her head out the window (couldn't have been older than 7) and yelled HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! to us and that gave me hope.

Right, that's enough ramble. I should go do something useful. and perhaps stop sitting down... the pain is wearing me down.