This weekend Obi and I totally had some kind of adolescent regression. Seriously. Friday night we celebrated my last day of work by eating out and staying up late playing video games. Then Saturday we slept in late until messages from his dad barged us out of bed - and ended up in three hours of skyping with his parents.
Obi made me proud. At some point, his dad got the idea that three nights somewhere else (during their visit in Jan) would be enough. I wanted a week, but I said my minimum would be four. Four nights from 19. That's pretty reasonable eh? And I didn't even need to hassle Obi about it. He just rolled in there and put his foot down like a pro! We also made it clear (and will likely need to continue to do so) that while they are here there will be absolutely no baby talking. Don't talk to me like that. Or him if I'm around, and certainly not my spawnling. I can't fucking stand baby talk. Not only does it not at all help the child's language development but it is god-awfully annoying. Mum was doing it on skype - I got up and left the room. Sometimes I think I'm the only sane person on earth who can treat animals and small children with the respect I myself would like to be treated with.

That's beside the point. After this very long conversation, we broke out the junk food and played more video games.... and ordered pizza and made a mess of my previously spotless unit. But oh well. We drank coke and belched at each other like bogans and went to bed without showering. It was disgusting. And wonderful.

Sunday morning my half sister Angie wakes me up at the crack of dawn with a message of "Hey we're at the Sydney airport, you should come meet up with us for coffee!" Ugh. And both our phones are buzzing a storm from Obi's D&D group talking to each other over face book. (it ended up being cancelled, because somehow people manage to "forget" that it's on... even though it's supposed to be every weekend. I don't know how people can forget that. It's like forgetting that the workweek starts Monday morning for most of the nation ) Angie messages again "Are you awake?" Seriously. It's 7am on a Sunday morning - do you think I'm going to be awake?! Well, I'm awake NOW. So I barge Obi out of bed (which considering, he was rather good about. He's pretty shit with the spur-of-the-moment decision even when he's actually gotten some decent sleep. But I had him up, shaved, teeth brushed, dressed and out the door in under 40 minutes. Let's see us do that with kids >.> haha)

Dear lord, most expensive coffee ever. I don't know if other places do it, but here, train tickets have a massive tax/fee if you alight at the airport. You can get a ticket to any other station on the airport line for the usual $3-$5, but if you intend to get off at the airport it's an extra $10 EACH WAY!
So two return tickets to the airport later *wince*....
But it was worth it. We don't see Angie much because she lives in Melbourne, and I can't fly right now.

Though, she pissed me off at one point, right before we left. Maybe pissed off isn't even the word I want. Disappointed? I don't know. Anyway, so she was asking about my birth, hoping that it'll fall on the 12th, as she'll be passing back through Sydney that day (coming back from Vanuatu. Jealous! Anyway...) and then for some reason, starts asking about pain relief and trying to pressure me into having it.

Now, I never planned to have a drug free birth. I don't think I'm made of better or tougher stuff than the women who've gone before me. But, my midwife does not offer any kind of drugs for the pain. And the reasons for that are very clear. There's a shitload of reasons why it's better for the baby if you just try to tough it out/ use heat packs/ water birth or whatever. But of course Ang thinks that's crazy (and I should probably listen, she's done it four times) and starts telling me that I'll be yelling "Take me to the hospital!!" and starts telling Dustin to have my midwife LIE to me about a complication that isn't there - so I'm in a place where I don't need to suffer (And this is the supportive sister that's saying this - not the one who thinks I'm a moron and tells me about it at any opportunity) Uhm, no thank you. He will do as I've requested all along and stand by me - giving me the strength I need to stick by the choices we feel are best for our unborn baby. Even if they are not the easy choices for me.

I know labour is going to be hard. That's why they call it labour. But I also know it wont last forever. A few days, max. It's just pain, right? I can endure it with the right people helping me... Right?
Why do people think it's necessary to terrify women who are about to birth? Have they never heard of fear-tension-pain syndrome? I get why so many people are scared, I get that maybe people are scared for me because they think I'm too stupid to fear for myself. But at this point the only way this baby is going to go from being inside me to being outside me is if I go through labour. SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE THAT HARDER ON ME???
Needed to let that shit out... could you tell?

Anyway, after our mostly really great catch up, Obi and I saw the two of them off to security, and instead of doing something useful with our Sunday, we bought some way over priced too-sweet-and-too-greasy donuts from KK then went home and melted into our chairs and played more video games... like the losers we are
We had leftover pizza for dinner - not cooking for the third night in a row - and gorged ourselves on donuts the entire day. It was fantastic haha.

This morning as he left he apologized for the state of our unit, (because face it we both know it's me that's going to clean it!) and I've been pottering around most of the day. Trying to sit and stand equally, to help the swelling in my feet. So freaking gross.
The chemist just called me. Remember how I mentioned that thing with my blood with the risk of becoming sensitized to the baby's blood and how I need medication for that? Well I tried to fill that prescription today (as Obi found out he's of a positive blood type) and it turns out that only a doctor can order that shit in. They wont sell it to me. So now I have to figure that out with the doc at the clinic.. somehow. Annoying. Well it can wait a day or two.

On other fronts, Obi's taken over trying to get Christmas sorted. And we seem to have made progress. I think this camping crap might even end up being a success.

Alright, well that's enough ramble. There's dishes to scrub and a novel to write!