Ahh Monday. The day I spend repairing all the damage done to my nice clean home by the weekend (and Obi's presence).
Things here are good, the weekend was pretty decent.
Spent some quality time with Bec and Chris last night. Pizza, beer and board games. Bec and I aren't much into the board games part generally, but Obi's way into it, and he and Chris like to go head to head at anything they can. Boys
And we hit the council clean up. See, here it's against the law to just dump your old stuff on the footpath with a sign saying "free" like they do in Canadia. You do that and get caught, there's a nasty fine. But in response we have designated days where we're allowed to dump as much shit outside as we want, and the council will come take it away (if the neighbors don't stake a claim first.)
Obi's mate gave us a playpen and a couple of baby gates, which we forwarded on to Bec because they are really no use in our tiny space, and the four of us also uncovered a chest of draws and a boori country cot. I'm mad jealous of the cot of course. It's in better nick than the one we were given, just missing its screws! But, it saves Bec a good several hundred dollars and now owlet will have a place to sleep when she stays with them. Bec's putting the cot in her bedroom (good!) and I wonder what Chris thinks of that.
Sometimes I forget just how much Bec loves and supports me, simply because she's not verbally affectionate at all. Quite the opposite really. But she must care, it's pretty obvious.

Got most of Christmas out of the way - just need to finish up a couple of photo gifts, find something for Angie's SO and his brat, oh, and get something for the husband. Might get that taken care of today if I'm lucky. Better get on it. Someone told me it's only five weeks til Xmas?

Which brings me to a whole lot of TMI, feel free to skip right ahead.
Now, after you push out a spawnling, you're down for maintenance for six weeks. This gives you time to stop bleeding like a stuck pig and lets the boomgate of your cervix shut - because if you stick anything in there before the booms are down it's asking for an infection in your gearbox, and no one wants that.
Anyway, this makes a Miriam sad, because Christmas sex tends to be the best sex. Its like almost a tradition in itself. (Aside - I could totally make a thread out of this. I should.) But If I don't get this baby out soon, I wont be able to risk it. (You can have your doctor/midwife/random friend check your cervix to see if it's shut before the full six weeks is up, if you're feeling fine and have stopped bleeding) I reckon I could get away with 5 weeks or so, but 4 or less? Mmm, no. Probably not smart.

Ok, safe to read from here, I think.
Thinking of pushing out babies, Bec's trying to get me to hold out three more days, because she's desperate for it to be a Sagittarius like her I guess it's nice to not be told to hurry up for a change!

I feel like I have so much to look forward to, not just the baby. Life is just really good. Sometimes my hormones and the pain in my body get the better of me and I forget that, but not today!

After this blog, I've got to get a hold of my Aunt. Obi found out his last day at work for the xmas break will be Fri the 21st. So, I want to find out when my Aunt is going to see her daughter. I'm hoping they'll travel up xmas eve, or the day before, and that'll give Obi and I time to go see them on our way to Melbourne. We can't drop in and see them on the way back because the campgrounds are well away from the town they live in. Besides, camping ends on the 29th, and Obi's parents land on the 1st. I'm going to need some time without human contact to refresh myself in between.
Before we travel south though, we need to have a pre-xmas with Bec and Chris and I'm wondering exactly how that's going to work. They are both working right through til xmas eve, so I guess it'll be a dinner. I'm playing with the idea of hosting. Even though they have the entertaining space and the BBQ. Oh! I just had a light-bulb moment. I could let myself into their house and do all the prep and cooking while they are at work.
That's a fair division of labour right? I bring the food and put it together. They deal with the gift wrap mess and the dishes. I will run this by Obi.

If I'm still gestating next weekend, we should hit Ray's Outdoors too. We still don't have a tent, or sleeping bags or anything camping related. Or fishing related. Obi's going to want fishing gear, I can see it now. On the bright side, Bec and Chris scored a fire pit thingy (like a huge metal bowl on a stand, with a cover) from the clean up as well, so now we don't have to think about that.

Alright, I'll stop rambling for now. And I'll go do something. Because I feel a nap coming on, and I have waaay too much to do to think about napping. But it may already be too late....