So! Let me share a day in the life of a Miriam.

Yesterday started out great, because little owl slept through the night. Granted, she wailed her guts out for like two freaking hours until just shy of 1am, but when Obi finally got her down she was out cold until morning. Bliss.
Well, almost bliss Obi looks at me and jokes "If I didn't know better I'd think that was cum" because my boobs exploded all over me during the night, and had dried to my chest in flakes. Lovely.

The morning was a bit lame. I managed to run over the road and get some nappy liners before the owl started her banshee impersonation and one of my work mates was all "Can I hold her?" Which at this point makes me panic just a bit because there's a whooping cough epidemic over here (because so many ******s don't think they need to vaccinate their children - don't even get me started) and it's on my mind a lot, especially seeming the government keep reminding me that if my baby gets it, she's dead. Two weeks and I can get her the jab and sleep better at night. Aaaanyway. So I dig her out of the sling and hand her over because I've never seen this woman sick, ever. Must be all the curry. I'm getting really decent at using that sling, but man it stressed me at first. So frustrating! So my workmate looks at me and asks if I've been hitting the gym because apparently I look really good. I'm not sure I believe that, but it was nice of her to say.

After that I was trying to convince myself to clean my unit, seeming Bec and Chris were coming here in the evening to unwrap gifts, but I wasn't making much headway. Especially since everyone and their dog were texting me. I'm not often so popular. Of course, my phone was so overwhelmed with the action it ate one of the messages. Serious. It jingled, and the light flashed, but I picked it up too soon and the message just never loaded. So someone out there thinks I'm a rude bitch for not texting back, but oh well.

In all of that Bec messages me and wants to meet up over the road for milkshakes. Seeming it's her birthday I couldn't very well say no, plus it delayed the housework and that's always great. Unfortunately we met up just at the time that Isis needs a change and a feed, so we head into the family room, and while I'm changing her (with no wipes because I'd forgotten them) she has a massive bowel explosion all over the place and Bec's laughing and taking photos while I'm trying to restore hygiene without any damn wipes.

Crisis averted, I order milkshakes while Isis slobbers on bec's shirt, right over her nipple, and it's at this point where Bec figures out her hand is covered in poo haha. Anyway not five minutes later we are sitting in the food court, the three of us with our respective sources of fat and calcium, when the complex's alarm starts going off and this booming mechanical voice instructs us to evacuate. Lovely. So we're hustling out of the nearest exit trying not to be trampled by all the other pension-day shoppers, Becs jiggling her hand bag, my nappy bag, some shopping, the sling and her milkshake and I'm trying to keep up without upsetting the tiny human that is merrily attached to my nipple oblivious to the noise. Until the fire truck comes blaring up beside us anyway at which point she decides to let go and look around, so my boob is all like "Hello sunny Australia" as we're swept down the road with the crowd

Luckily I live so close so we went back to my place to wait and I couldn't hold off any longer to give Bec her gift, so I did. She got all choked up which was sweet. See when Ma was alive she had this ring that Bec loved, and often she'd let Bec wear it, for weeks at a time, always reminding her that it was my inheritance and thus Bec would never own it. I also loved this ring, and the story behind it. Anyway, so when Ma died the ring came to me. But the band is gold, and I'm alergic to gold (though I wear another of mum's gold rings regardless of the pain it causes me :P ) so I wasn't wearing it but still didn't want to part with it, even knowing how much Bec wanted it and she could wear it. So, I had a replica ring made in silver, and used in it the stones from the original band. I had new sapphires put in mum's ring, and gave that to Bec. So now we each have a part, and we have friendship rings again, just like when we were kids.

Soon after my really nice upstairs neighbor messages and says she's dropping a salad at my door. Yay for free already prepared food. Man, she'd gone all out. Everything was washed and cut in separate containers from sprouts to blackberries to cherry tomatoes. There was also a loaf of fancy bread, two bottles of new gourmet dressing and some goat cheese. So I made Bec and I a salad, and Obi and I will have salad for dinner and then there will still be enough for me to have lunch and dinner tomorrow. I shit you not. Such a nice chick, and we don't really know each other from a bar of soap.

While we are eating that the real estate calls Bec, and she has a panic attack, misses the call, and phones them back. We got an offer on the house! Apparently this guy is super keen, has fallen in love. But his offer was only 185. No way! And that's what Bec said too. NO. WAY.
The real estate dude starts pulling the pressure on saying "the house is just sitting there..." like we don't already know that! But she held her ground. She's like we want about 205 and the guy is all "well that's the list price"... WTF no it isn't! That peeved me because I've been taking care of the realestate stuff and they asked me, instead of dropping the price, if they could re-word the advertisement to say "offers above..." bastards. Luckily Bec was all "If Miri decided to drop the price she must know what she's doing" rather than ripping up me before I had the chance to explain. Besides, I knew we wouldn't get the original price anyway, because the idea is that you ask for more than you want and let them talk you down.

Anyway, her phone rang like half an hour later and we thought it might be the real estate again, but no, it was Chris. She's so worked up over the previous call that for a little while she forgets to ask why he's calling. Apparently he got off work early, and was on his way home. She's like "What?! No! Shit, you can't do that! I mean, that's great, gotta go!" because due to the evacuation, she hadn't been able to pick up his gift. She runs off, and brings it back for me to wrap while she runs home.

I was pretty excited at this point, asked Obi to knock off early, speed cleaned my house, took all the prices off Chris's stocking stuffers, pulled an outfit together... and Bec phones me. Like, I'm going to see them in an hour anyway, so I'm like eh?
She tells me this guy's better offer of and is like "it's your house too... what do you think?" It's five grand less than I hoped but when it comes to real estate five G is nothing. Five grand could easily be chewed up if the house sits on the market another six months because of the rates and insurance. I'm like "Take it! I'd take it, fuck it, let's get rid of this place!" The guy reckoned he loved the house so much he wants to be in by Christmas. It'll take longer than that for the legal stuff, but if he wants it so bad he can have it!

~Continuing on from last night ~

So now it's all in the lawyer's hands. How's that for a mighty fine birthday and Christmas gift for Bec? And of course I'm completely stoked. I'll be able to pay my debt to her, and she'll be able to "catch up" in the game of life. I'm terrified this guy will change his mind though, so we're keeping it quiet and off facebook.

I jumped in the shower to freshen up for that night's festivities, and my phone rang again, so I sprang out all covered in foam. It was Bec again. Apparently the real estate in our home town is owned by the real estate I'm renting through here in Sydney - the same people who we had drama with in the middle of this year, that ended with Chris storing in there and having a go at them. I wont go back over it, but essentially our house got sold by a guy Bec hates, and we never knew haha.