Yep. I'm pumping, so I've got an excuse to blog. Not that I need it half as much as I did this morning.

We're having a parent free night tonight because I've got lots to get done before tomorrow. One of my closest friends who I've spent almost no time with in person, is coming up for Isis's naming ceremony. I've got most of that prepared and paid for, except the food. Tomorrow night I'm hosting a roast for nine people. In my unit. With no dinner table. Going to be awesome.
Saturday is going to feel like a long day, and that's what I'm pumping for. My friend and I are taking her daughter to the zoo, my sister, Chris and his little brother will likely come too, but I'm planning on leaving the owlet with Obi and his parents (who will be invited, but most likely won't come because it's too expensive). They've come a long way to see her, and what I'm not around for can't irritate me. But I have no idea how much an owl eats in a day. I can guess how many times, but my breasts don't exactly have a gauge on the side so I don't know how many mills. It must be a lot though because I only pump after feeds, and I'm often amazed just how much is left over.

I've never left the owl for more than a couple hours either, but I always sad I wouldn't let myself be one of those mums with separation anxiety

I'm kind of (ok more than kind of) annoyed with the in laws though. They come back here tomorrow and they have been nagging the shit out of me about that, like how early can they arrive, what am I going to do with them etc etc.. and I'm like "I have not seen this friend for YEARS, I want time with her. Go have fun in the city without me" and they are like "So we will come over at 2pm then?" Uhg. Well, I got some keys cut for my sister's place so need be we can hang out there mwahaha!

*~ sometime later, pumping again ~*

Thinking of sisters I'm a little annoyed at Ang. She lives in another state but she's coming up this weekend to visit a couple of people in my area, yet isn't going to bother seeing Bec and I or coming to Isis's party. I think that's a bit slack seeming we busted our arses to go to her for Christmas and spent a fortune to have coffee with her at the airport not long before that. Oh well.

Probably a blessing in disguise really, I was getting sick of her critisizm. She's like "God Miri, every time I see you your boob is out" "Don't you ever put her down?" "Wouldn't it be better if you just let her sleep alone in a quiet room somewhere instead of holding her?" "God, don't you ever "cry it out"?" "She's fat, don't you think you might be feeding her too much?" On and on for a week... She was right about one thing though, Isis's unhappy hour (usually around 8-9pm) is caused by being overtired and unable to sleep. For some reason she can sleep in any situation when the sun is up, but at night only a darkened quiet room will do - and a dummy becomes my best friend.

Now, I don't mind useful advice but one thing shat me to tears on our last night of camping. Ang was lecturing me about how when we get home, or after new years, I'd have to start forcing Isis into a routine. Then in her best condescending voice she's like "Everyone has to do it, but if you're not ready..."

Like, mate, I'm unemployed. What possible benefit would forcing my baby into a routine have? She already sleeps through most nights. So I'm going to sit there and listen to her wail so I can feed her every four hours on the dot? Why exactly? Meanwhile, stop telling me how to parent because all four of your children are disobedient little shits who won't eat their dinner, won't respect anything you say, have no independence... Think you might have the stage of life where kids need to be trained and forced to obey in the wrong order or something? End rant.

Ok, it's getting late and I smell. Thanks for letting me air my dirty laundry yet again