Last Wednesday I cracked it. I think it was Wednesday anyway. We were walking the baby (they are like dogs, you need to walk them) and I had a melt down. It wasn't pretty. But by the end of it Obi had agreed to pick up a night feed. The first one every night (because when we're lucky there's only one lol). At first he thought he'd agreed to take all night feeds, so he was relieved to find that wasn't the case. Anyway, that's been rough going. After last night I think I need to accept it's not working. It was nice over the weekend though.

I started the weekend off feeling almost refreshed, so yay for me! I took Isis for another looong walk Friday, which I convinced my sister to join. So I walked her dog she walked my brat, and Obi got to stay home and play hours of video games. Which he was eternally grateful for. So he cooked dinner and looked after Isis for the whole evening while I bludged.

Saturday was the day we'd been waiting for, we intended to get Isis to Bec's at the crack of dawn (which ended up being 10am, sigh) then got our asses out to the Olympic park for the Royal Easter Show. I was mad excited, been wanting to take Obi for years. Gah! I need to stop that! I've* been wanting to take Obi for years. My English is slipping ><

I quickly found out just how jipped I was as a kid. See, I've been only twice before, once with mum and once with Bec as poor unemployed teens. The rule always was "no rides" they are just too expensive. Which is totally fair, Ma bought us up on the widow's pension. She had nothing and everything she had she gave to us. I'm glad I had the upbringing that I did, and I hope she knows how proud I am of her. But with that said, I'd always wished we could have gone on one or two just the same. This time we did.

We had a blast! Of course I had some travel sickness tablets with me just to be sure, but I only needed the one so that was nice. Only two of the rides we went on made me sick We bought the photo of us on the roller coaster and we went on this swinging chairs thing. Now usually those things are so tame it's laughable, really we only went on it because Obi wanted to take pictures up high and I hate the ferriswheel (sp). But it went a LOT faster than we expected so the photos were blurry as shit, and It was high. Much higher than ordinary flying chars (We found the ordinary ones sometime later) anyway, I'm terrified of heights. I know, how cliche. I'm alright as long as no one comes near me, and Obi knows that or he aught to.

Tangent: One of our first dates he took me to this swanky hotel and we were on the balcony enjoying the snowy night view of Vancouver... until he tried to hold me and be all romantic and I freaked out. Another time (about a year after) we were climbing a tree in Hyde Park, and he reached up and touched my leg. I screamed, clung to the tree and gibbered in fear. I was probably only five feet off the ground. Obi thought it was hilarious.

Aaanyway, so there we are flying around on this rickety bench in the sky and he tries to put his arm around me to take a photo. I about jumped out of the ride. And he's trying to apologize but can't stop laughing at me long enough to get the words out. Yeah true love right there. I let him hold my hand near the end of it, that's progress right?