Someone mentioned like a week ago on the WOYM thread that a new wave of pregnancies had started. They do kind of come in waves don't they? So much for humans not really having a breeding season. There was a couple months there I didn't know anyone who was pregnant but now it's all happening. I've got two other mates TTC, I'm so excited for Laura and another of my mates announced her second pregnancy today on Facey!

It's hard not to get jealous but I learnt long ago that jealousy if for lemmings, so instead I'm just excited and hoping I can jump on this wave too. It's more exciting when you have people to share it with. Last round I knew a couple of people, but most notably one of my high school friends was only ten weeks ahead of me, and now I'm watching her baby boy grow up via social media. It's nice getting a glimpse of what's to come... well mostly. I didn't get half as huge as she did, thank the gods!

Anyway, any time I'm interested in something I throw myself into research. I love to learn. I kind of miss studying even though I'm pretty sure I'm not smart enough to do Uni. That's beside the point. I've been researching hormones (mostly prolactin) and conception. There's so much information out there about maximising the effectiveness of breastfeeding as a form of contraception but nothing about how to make it stop. I know it's all about your body making sure your baby has the best chance at survival, but listen uterus, I'm in a first world country, I'm healthy, we have resources, we can support another pregnancy that turns into another crying mouth, aight? So let's do this shit.
But yeah, I'm reading shit like "It's perfectly normal for a woman's cycle not to return for upto a year after giving birth". Serious? How come mum never told me about this? But listen, ovaries, my friends... I don't have a year. Kay? So Obi's like "I guess just do the exact opposite of what the sites say you need to do to be covered?" and that was my thought too.

Meanwhile there's no information out there that I can find that tells me how much food I should be feeding this kid. So Instead of milk every four hours I'm replacing that with her mush, excepting for four milk feeds a day. So far that seems fine. She'd let me know if it wasn't right? And I make sure I add lots of fluid to her mush because for some reason she won't take the bottle anymore, unless she's with Bec and Chris.

It's a bit sad, and by that I mean pathetic, all you people have such interesting lives and then there's me... Getting thrills from stewing apples and mashing bananas. I'm ridiculously happy.

Once last week I took the night feeds and then I couldn't make myself respond come morning and Obi was late to work, so now he's pretty much banned me from doing them. It's nice to have someone reliable. Also it shows me I need to start taking my vitamins again or start napping during the day again. But I hate the napping. Everyone's like "sleep when the baby sleeps" and "don't worry about the housework, spend time with your baby" but who the hell can live like that? I'm no neat-freak but I need a bit of bench space to mash banana on and I don't want to catch Hepatitis in my own bathroom. Anyway, tangent there.

What I came to talk about really was the fact the my FIL annoys the crap out of me. I know I need to cut these people some slack, I know they miss their son and grandaughter, I get that I'm the prime evil for being so far away buuuut ugh. Dude leave me alone! Firstly, last weekend when we Skyped he decided that we were going to set up a shared dropbox folder so that they can have videos of Isis, as he was mightily put out by being unable to download them from facey. I for one am grateful people can't download them, I just wish they couldn't 'share' them too. I want to keep a hold on my baby's internet footprint. I'd be mortified if I was surfing one day and found her photo used as a meme or something. Anyway so he sends an email to Obi about how to do this dropbox shit. Then sends me an email telling me he's done this. Ok whatever. Then yesterday he messages me and he's like "Have you done it yet? blah blah". Uhm, I'm not your brat's secretary. I don't have access to his emails (though I totally could if I had to, but I believe I don't have the passes and at any rate I almost never snoop anymore) take it up with him. Or you know, be patient. Because your kid doesn't work, commute, have a family and a social life or anything.

I just get annoyed because he's always talking down to people. He thinks because he's a dad and is a financial adviser that everyone must listen to him and the sun shines out his arse. Meanwhile, I don't really want anyone to have a copy of all our family home videos. Not even Bec, who has all my family's documents, photos, newspaper clippings etc way back into the dark ages. It's probably really stupid and you can tell me that I'm being stupid, I don't mind... but what I lack in jealousy I more than make up for in possessiveness. This is MY daughter. I feel really protective. I don't know why. There's nothing bad in any of the videos that I'm aware of (except that one where I'm not wearing a shirt ) but I know he shows his clients these things, and his mates and all these people I don't know. Again, I'm being dumb, but some part of me doesn't feel it's really safe.

I know I put things here or facey, but when I do it's usually only a small part of the video I took or whatever. I avoid anything where she's not wearing pants because there are sick fuckers in this world too.

On top of that, I've decided for my birthday lunch I want us four and the baby to go to this French restaurant and have snails. I wanted frog legs too, I want to try something new and scary, but they don't do legs. Anyway, we were talking to dad on Skype about that too and he got all weird and "As if you'd go to a nice restaurant for that" - not because snails are gross, but because he cooks them from a can (are you twitching? Because I am. I have eaten his canned escargot dish and it's not bad but... the concept is still a bit... wrong) and that's some how better than having them done properly by a skilled chef?
It's probably just because he's a skinflint, but I just get so over his better-than-thou shit.

As time passes I'm losing my enthusiasm for our upcoming Canada trip too, and I don't want that. I want to be psyched, but I just feel under so much pressure. Ugh.

Anyway that's enough of that for today.
Going to the gym with my sister today, hope she doesn't bail on me.
Yay weekend!