OMG I've been so spoilt this morning! Isis has been sleeping for hours. (She's not dead, I check constantly) I should use this time to get stuff done.. and I have a little, but hey, that'll do!

Gods, I seriously can't wait til we go to Canada so I can buy some damn jeans. I'm trying to hold out til then because it'll be way cheaper. I can get jeans at wall-mart for $12 (plus their stupid tax that isn't included in the price ) which is a bargain. Note: They are kids jeans. I don't buy adult jeans because my legs are very short and I can't sew. Even if I could sew, I wouldn't want to.
And besides I'm a big fan of wall-mart. Some Aussies are like "Yeah but we have BigW" let me tell you - BigW doesn't stand a chance in this competition, alright? Haha.

So yeah, pretty excited about that, and shopping in general over there. The Aussie dollar was doing really well last time I looked, and things are just cheaper in the cold north to begin with What I am wondering (hoping you guys might be able to help me out here) is: Do they have Lorna Jane stores in BC or is that an Oz thing? Because that gear is so expensive, but I'm really hooked on it....
Not everything is cheaper in Canadia, but a lot of things are so it's worth a look.

Thinking of working out.. This ten visit pass thing with Bec has been awesome. I feel so pumped! It's going to suck so bad when her visits run out (four left). Praying my gym has a promotion soon! We're going to do a dance jam tonight

I'm due to renew my membership and I decided that I'm going to do it. I found out last night that if I renew a month before it expires (so like, right now! I might even be past it and have to talk really fast..) I get it at a reduced rate, and if I pay up front I'll save even more. It'll be like $970 for 13 months (you get a free month if you pay up front) which is... like $18 a week. Usually you have to sign for two years to get that rate, so woo. I'll also have to do the math and work out Creche visits for Isis because I'm out of free visits for her. If I buy visits in bulk I can get them cheaper, but I need to make sure I'd use them all as they aren't transferable or anything. It's a lot to fork over in a hit, especially with a holiday looming and that stresses me a tiny little bit. And the guilt! But Obi is very supportive, and it's health related so that means it's ok, right? Ugh, best not to think about that part of it!

I'm thinking "why not renew?" I was worried because we'll have to move within the next year. At some point Isis is going to need her own room, especially once another birth is looming. (Though, that's some time off as I'm not fertile) But I'm certain we won't move far. We can hold out until we find a place near here that is the right size and affordable. Anyway, the main deciding factor is that I'm starting work again in June (one day a week) and we've agreed I will continue to work through the next birth, not taking time off until the third child comes, at which point I'll be entitled to parental leave pay. Assuming I'm healthy and have another easy birth, etc.

So if I'm working there, I'm likely not going to be so far away that I can't continue to go to the same gym and I should take the plunge. Because I like feeling awesome. And because I like being the hot wife

I can't wait to weigh in and measure up!

Yay! Baby is finally awake. I sense a saturated nappy is calling me....

Happy Monday bloggers!

PS - This name Freya/ Freyja is really on my mind. A friend of a friend of a friend on FB who I'm not sleeping with has a little girl by that name, and she's adorable. The name seems to be getting popular.. why is that? Is it in a movie or something? Anyway I wonder if Obi would hate it... Why am I even thinking about this? Uh I annoy myself. I also don't mind the boy version (Freyr). No Miriam, cut it out. Go change that nappy...