If I blog, maybe TwoThree will also blog. That's the plan!
Speaking of blogs, there's probably something terribly wrong with me, but I'm actually enjoying stalking my sister-in-law's blog. You know it's weird, we have quite a bit in common, and yet I still can't make myself like her. Even when I enjoy talking to her, and we talk fairly often... Mmm anyway. I'm sure in time I will become less judgmental and she will become less self-centered and we'll be mates. Until then I can stalk her blog. I might even share it with you at some point, you know, when there's actually stuff on it. The first few entries of any blog are usually pretty crap. Perhaps that's why I have not given into Piper's urgings to create a public possibly-for-profit blog. I'm too lazy to start. Or maybe it's because deep down I know I'm an arsehole and that some people might sue me if they knew what I said about them. Like my sister in law.
I don't want to have to censor myself.
What's been happening here?
Well, on the job front I've been getting a few shifts. Not a lot, but enough.
Obi's getting a few bites too. He's had one interview, secured a contract for September (just the four weeks) with a different company and is setting up a time to meet with the director and producers of a third place. It's looking good for him.
This holding contract with the September people might be a little bit of a pain though, I really hope it doesn't ruin his chances of getting something long-term with a different company. I also hope they don't offer him an extended contract at the end of the month.
See, they asked what his day rate was and had him agree to sign this hold form (a legal thing preventing him taking another job during the time they want him) and so he gave his rate. (We both agree that being paid hourly is nicer, but day-rates are his field's way of legally avoiding having to pay overtime when an employee won't stay on long enough to earn and use time-in-lue (sp) ) On the form it states that instead of an 8 hour workday he's agreeing to a minimum of ten hours, plus a half hour mandatory un-paid break. Of course, the rate he gave them was on the assumption of an 8 hour work day, and thus he'll be earning less per hour than he was before. Which, fine, beggars can't be choosers, I get it. A month is nothing anyway, but I get the feeling from the "minimum" part that he's going to work quite a bit more than that. And I'm not keen. Pretty sure he's not keen. There's no unions for VFX either.
But yay! He has work. I've been working. Things are safe. That's always nice.
It's been weird on the home front, I'm pretty sure Obi is not only doing more housework than me, but also taking care of the baby more often than me. I appreciate the break and the fact my husband is awesome. Not sure how I got so lucky.
Tuesday, I did some baby sitting for the nice yank upstairs who I'm trying to be mates with. It was really nice. Both babies slept pretty much the entire time. I sat in someone else's flat and did some sewing in peace for a couple hours. Score. But it was a big help to her, so that makes me feel better. Generally our friendship has been massively one sided and I want to give back. We have a potential second play date coming soon too.
So, let me talk about my boobs. I'm going to miss them I already miss them. But they are shrinking. And in a few weeks I'll be back in my tiny A cup bras instead of my luscious D HotMilk bras. Sadness. But also - FREEEEEEDOM!
We've given up trying to get this kid to take a bottle. It's not going to happen. And she's not keen on the sippy cup either. I guess we'll be those parents that buy about 100 until we discover one she likes. Until then she will drink out of a straw without a problem. The first couple of days she has the sucking part, but didn't understand the swallowing, so everything went into her mouth, down her chin and into our rug that used to be white. Now she's a champ though. She can't (or I assume, haven't tried) manage the straw when she's crying in the dark at night, but I assume that will come in time. We have at least dropped out last official breastfeed - the feed just before bed. She drinks her AWESOMEMILK!! in the bath instead and then I just cuddle her in the towel until she's ready to dress.
Obi calls it AWESOME! Or AWESOME MILK or any description that involves him yelling AWESOME!! He's trained her to respond to that. It's weird. If he tells her something is awesome, she believes him lol. I think it comes from every night when he takes her out of the bath, he wraps her in the towel of awesome and throws her in the air. Yelling "it's the towel of AWESOME!!" He used to do it to stop her crying about being out of the bath so she would be calm enough to latch on, and now it's just part of the routine. But awesome milk isn't actually milk. Or formula. It's Pediasure, and it's a gift from the Gods!
So yes. My boobs. Now I just use them in the middle of the night. The time will come soon where I will drop that too. And I can't wait. I'm a little sad, because the last few night feeds have been sweet and bondful and such. But she can lay beside me in bed and I can spoon her - and that's just as bondful and not at all painful, so I think I'll manage just fine when the feeding days are done.
We've heard a bit on the house, that seems to still be going along fine. Baby just woke up so I can't stay here, but I'll tell you one more thing. Bec (and I) have been worried because the will and everything legal are in my old name. Like, my original name. Bec was all "It's going to cost all this money to get the deeds changed into your new name blah blah" well I spoke to the solicitor the other day (looking after everything because Bec's overseas) and he didn't mention anything being an issue. All he said we "Make sure you have your name-change documents so I can put the check in the right name". OMG. It was kind of exciting writing that. Ok really have to go now
I'm glad you've both got some work in place too!
Re: blog- What you mentioned about not wanting to be censored is sort of why I started private blogging here. Like only 7 people can actually read them and I can rant about anything I want because you guys don't know who I'm talking about! On my old blog I used to want to rant about school and coworkers and stuff, but one of my coworkers would read my blog so I couldn't.
Glad things are going well!