...But I have nothing to say. Be warned.

The last couple of days with Isis have been challenging. She's restless and grumpy, but so far I'm remaining positive and trying not to let it suck. We've had some really good moments to balance it out which also helps. She's learnt to make a kissing noise, and delights in us trading kisses. She plays pass now as well. Small things I know, but I do love being a parent.

My hormones are whack right now, and it's made things awkward in my relationship. I'm convinced Obi is angry with me and just isn't telling me, that he's sick of me... in reality he's probably sick of me asking! Hah. I find myself trying to impress him and getting ridiculously hurt if I think I've failed. Example: I made fajitas the other night, because he's into that kind of thing. They were really awesome, I impressed myself. I could tell he enjoyed them. But at the end, when he thanked me he told me they were "good". Well I was aiming for better than good. And I said that. He helpfully told me the pieces were a little big. That's all. And yet I was pretty sad about that for the rest of the night, which isn't at all like me. I need to get a grip. (Of course I didn't tell him I was sad over something so stupid, because I don't want him to ever think he shouldn't be honest.)

Anyway, that's just one example. I'm hoping I snap out of it soon.

Yesterday I was reading this thing that popped up on my facey... do you all remember the movie "Supersize me"? well this Australian bloke is doing something similar based on sugar. Some research to find out it's health repercussions and if it's addictive, and if knowing it's addictive if companies are using that to make us by their products and stuff. Beside the fact that anyone who more than doubles their normal sugar intake (or drastically changes their diet some other way) is going to have poor health consequences regardless just because of the shock to the system and stuff, I did learn that apparently men are only supposed to consume nine teaspoons of sugar a day, and women six.

Considering I have three in each cup of tea, this is looking bad for me. (Granted, I have cut down, I only have one cup a day now unless I'm working) I love sugar. Also, I really want biscuits. I'm buying some today.

I can hear my brat babbling to herself. I only put her down half an hour ago. Go back to sleep child!

Going back to the gym tonight. I've been a bad girl and hardly touched the place while Bec was away. Now we're going to step class tonight (man I hate step) and I'm going to regret being a lazy cow. The good news is that our step teacher is heavily pregnant and the class is under review - meaning when she takes her leave they are unlikely to find someone to take that class. I imagine it can't be more than a couple of months before she goes on leave. I mean she's fit as, but she's smuggling a basketball.

So, back in Feb I made a large order of jewelry off etsy. It was from the lady who made the earrings for my wedding, so I was pretty confident. Well, she still hasn't sent the items, and didn't respond the previous three times I tried to find out what's going on. So I went to the help desk to file a complaint. You might be interested to know there is a very limited period of time on etsy where you can file a complaint. So I probably got screwed out of $140. Joy. I know that's my fault because I should have complained earlier but I just didn't want to be a nag or cause trouble for this chick, in case there was a good reason she hadn't gotten back to me. (You know, a family emergency or some such.) Sometimes I'm too patient for my own good. Anyway, so I blasted her another message, and I emailed etsy via a different form, in the hopes this will be resolved. Otherwise I guess I just write it off as experience. It's annoying though. Mostly, I'm just annoyed at myself.

Child has stopped babbling and is now whinging loudly in an effort to summon me. So much for that nap she was determined to have. I guess we can go buy those biscuits now.