I need to get some worry out. Let's make this private shall we?

So for a long time my favourite Aunty has been having health issues, loads of tests... and her husband too. He's got diabetes now, and his doctor keeps pressuring him to lose weight (he's not huge, but he's got the belly) and all that...

Anyway, she let me know a couple of days ago that she still needs more tests, a colonoscopy, gasto-something-or-other, and an ultrasound, but that the CT scans she just had show lesions and cysts in her liver. "Lesions" is the word the medical world often use instead of "tumor". My mum had "lesions" in her liver too. And we know how that ended. It's frightening. Anyway, the ultrasound is on Monday, but the other tests are on the 5th, so it's going to be a stressful wait. She sees her surgeon on the 5th and they'll "go from there". We don't know if it's malignant or anything.

If that's not enough, Bec messaged me yesterday and she's like "What did it feel like when you had appendicitis?" ... Make that the day before yesty, because it's now Sunday. Anyway so she has this sharp stabbing pain and a lump that doubled in size in 24 hours. She went to the hospital and the doctor didn't say anything about her appendix, but from what I can gather he didn't speculate much at all (they rarely do) instead he gave her a list of doctors, a referral for an ultrasound and told her to get an appointment at the first place that would take her once the working week starts, or if the pain got worse to come back to the emergency unit. I was there with her last night, she could barely move, she said she'd go to emergency today. Haven't heard from her today, but I can feel the echo of her pain, so it must be pretty strong.
She's hoping it's just a hernia, and not something life threatening. A hernia would still likely mean an operation and time off work though.

So this is me expressing my fear. She would be horrified to know I told anyone of course, so keep it in the cone.

The baby is awake and talking to herself, so I'd better go pick her up before her good humour is all used up.

Update on the last blog before I go though - SO I mailed that etsy seller one more time and I'm all "You've given me no choice but to contact etsy about this situation, rah rah" and she wrote back yesterday. Turns out she's been getting my mails all along, it's just that one of the things I ordered she didn't really know how to make, so she's just been putting it off, and putting it off.... anyway, she reckons she'll get it done and shipped by America's Monday, and I'm getting a couple of free pieces for my patience. Here's hoping in two weeks I'll have mail and I can put all this behind me So, NTS: People selling on etsy are not professionals, and I can't expect them to act in a professional, timely manner.