This will be all over the shop I think. My brain is fuzzy.

I'm still sick. Some days are worse than others. Some days I get stuff done. It's worst in the mornings and just before dinner time, though the rest of the day isn't a picnic either. The good news is, I got my blood results back, and I'm fantastically healthy, my hcg is exactly where it should be for the embryo's gestational age and all of that. Now all I need is a scan, make sure I don't have placenta prevaria (sp) or it doesn't have a second head, and I'm all set for a nice healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy. Though, mini rant incoming - the next person to tell me I feel sick because I'm having a boy this time is going to get a slap up the side of the head. If you've never had kids, and you come to that conclusion, I can handle it because there's no reason you'd know any better. But fuck, how is it that so many humans have made their own humans and they still believe all these old myths? It's redonculous. All these broads on my birth club are like "Oh I'm so sick, I must be having a girl! Because girls require more hormones than boys having them makes you sicker". No I'm sorry, you're all fucking idiots. Then we skyped with Obi's family and his mum was all "Oh you're probably having a boy!" Woman, you've had kids yourself... don't people ever read? There is NO evidence to suggest morning sickness is at all related to gender. Every pregnancy is different. And if this was true every woman who's ever had HG would have a baby of the same gender (a girl, if the women on my birth club had any say in it) and they don't. I just... ugh.

Anyway, another great thing about a second pregnancy? Everybody can take the opportunity to re-tell you the advice they told you last time, or the same frightening birth stories they unburdened themselves with. Yay team! Like my mother in law (again, I know. Love the woman, but she gets on my nerves) she's like "Well stay away from chicken and broccoli!" Because that's what made her sick with her pregnancies. Uhm thanks, but I didn't have a problem with either of those things last time and this time I have a problem with everything except vegimite toast. I'm really getting sick of toast.

On the work front, there's no sign of anything for Obi, nothing. Meanwhile, two of the women at my work who do the opening shift are taking a vacation at the same time, one for not long but the other for a couple of months, and my supervisor put me at the top of the list to cover that shift. Yesterday I signed a contract for a month, and she said she will hold the later work open for me so that if by next month Obi still has nothing to look forward to I can get another month's work in. I'm really grateful she thought of me. I love my workmates. So I'll be working 30 hours a week, all morning shifts. I will do my best to hide my suffering for as long as possible. And if Obi gets a job while I'm on contract, he can either have late-starts, or we can hire someone and pay them the equivalent to what I make Hopefully they'd clean my house while they were at it. lol

I feel a bit bad though. Me taking this contract has sealed the deal on Obi and my new roles in a way and I know that Obi has never had an interest in being the stay-at-home caregiver. He doesn't want to be a house husband. As much as he loves his time with Isis, this isn't the kind of work he finds fulfilling. And while we talk about equality, he'd rather not be supported by his wife.

We've been trying to organize a time to be able to go see my Aunty (it's about three hours from here) and every time we suggest a day, my Aunty goes "I hope Bec and Chris can come too". I love my sister and brother in law. They are fun and cool and everything, but why wouldn't it be nice to just see us? Bec gets a lot of joy from trying to humiliate me in front of the family too, so it would be a bit less stressful if it were just the three of us. I know Aunty doesn't mean anything by it, but it still. I also would like to find a moment without my sister around to talk to her about my name. Generally she uses both my old name and new name every time she addresses me. Sometimes she'll laugh and say awkwardly that she doesn't know what to call me so she will use both. Or she'll just use my old one. It irritates the shit out of me. Would I have gone through the paper work and spent the money to legally change my name - not to mention having used my "new" name for the suggested two years previous to the change - if I didn't expect people to use it? I know I have complained about this before, but honestly what the fuck? It's been four bloody years! So I need to speak with her and make my feelings clear, but it would be much easier to do that without my sister mocking me.

Yes I know it's difficult for people who have known you since you were born to switch to calling you something different, and likely they will never think of me with that different title, but humour me? What if I had a gender transition? Would they still be using my old girly name?

Worked all day today with a bung wrist, now it's bandaged for support. Hope it's good to go by Monday, today was painful. Meanwhile, some customers are just arseholes. Dear lord. Like this one old biddy... we were flat out today, typical Saturday, anyway I was about due to knock off but I didn't have a "closed" sign, so I hail my supervisor (who is freaking hot. She could wear so much less make up and still be hot. Actually there are a lot of really good looking people at my work. I would be banging half of them if I wasn't married and actually had confidence. But anyway I digress) and I ask her if she's going to send someone to replace me or if I should close and if I'm closing can she get e a sign. By the time she does there's six people and their trolleys in my line and I have five minutes to blast through it all. She hangs my sign on the trolley of the last dude and wishes me luck blasting through them all by 5 o'clock.

So I'm scanning like a mad woman with my bunged wrist, because often if you stay late someone will rip up you. Plus I'd been there since 8 and I wanted to GO like yesterday. Anyway, so the dude at the end of the line is obviously some kind of moron, because he keeps letting people line up behind him. They wait a few minutes, then see the sign on his trolley and clear off. Eventually he gets close enough to my conveyer that I can tell people behind him that I'm closed, and I turn out my light. But he's not smart enough to put the sign on the belt behind his groceries, of which there are many. I shoo this old guy away, and then the person I'm dealing with is talking my ear off, asking about this new promotion we have going on, telling me how to pack stuff and I'm just trying not to cry or drop anything that will shatter. All I want to do is tell this guy to put the sign on the belt. I try, he doesn't hear me (because it's super busy and loud, and he's sampling the magazines) and I don't want to be rude and ignore the person I'm serving. Anyway, it's now well after 5pm, and I'm now earning overtime that my boss surely doesn't want to pay, and out th corner of me eye I see this hunched old lady line up behind Mr. Stupid. I finally get rid of the person I'm working with and start on Mr. Stupid's endless pile of stuff, and she's been there perhaps 30 seconds when I tell her "I'm really sorry but I'm actually closed". She ignores me. I call out again. She's looking at me - then looks away. Mr. Stupid clues on at this point and puts the sign on the belt. And then she flies off her salty cracker.

She's really ripping up me, and I'm like "I'm sorry, but I was supposed to leave ten minutes ago. I can't help you." and she keeps yelling and I'm repeating myself. She's like "I've been waiting here ten minutes you should have told me!" Mate, don't even... My hot supervisor comes to the rescue, but old lady thinks it's to rescue her. Hot supervisor is all "I've been standing here watching you, and I know you've been standing there two minutes not ten. My cashier has worked late because it's so busy, but she needs to go home now..."
Anyway, so HS tries to go about her business and this old lady is chasing her, waving her hands and yelling at her in both English and Italian. I felt pretty bad. In the end they had to call a staff member from a different part of the store to open a new register to put this woman through. OMG, what's wrong with some people?

Some people are crazy. Other day, I was putting back unwanted stock and this guy comes up and grabs me, reckons he needs help with lemonade. He's old, I assume he wants me to lift cans into his cart. Whatever, I can do that. But then he pulls out his phone and tells me I need to talk to his wife because we're both women and we'll understand each other.

Anyway I think it took me like three days to put this together. Time for dinner and I hear my little girl calling!
Have a good weekend