My arse hurts. I did something to the hip flexor thinget in yoga last night and now I can hardly walk. And I have step class tonight. I hate step. Luckily, my step teacher is 30 weeks and smuggling a basket ball, reckons she's only doing it five more weeks. Thank the Gods. Did I mention I hate step? Anyway I didn't come here to talk about how my arse muscle hurts.

Mostly I came here because I really haven't been here that much, and I'm playing Civ5 with Obi and he takes forever to have his turn.

So last weekend was good, we made a day trip down to see my Aunt, and it was lovely. Not without drama though. You might remember (ok probably not) that I mentioned in my last blog about how any time I try to organise a visit with her she's always going on about if Bec and Chris can come and how sad she is if they can't. And that I feel that's a bit lame, you know, why isn't seeing my little family good enough? Why do I always have to visit with my sister? We're adults now, after all. Well I made the mistake of mentioning to Bec about how Aunty is always very focused on whether or not she will be there and how I felt a bit like she didn't care about seeing Isis and I, or that we were making the effort to go down and stuff. Of course Bec took that to mean I didn't want her there. And for some reason she didn't see fit to actually ask me to clarify what I meant she just let it eat her up for a week and then when we were at aunty's house visiting she started sending angry texts like "Aunty messaged me and said how sad she is I couldn't come. I reckon you should tell her that you were adamant I wouldn't be there".

And I'm like FML I don't want to deal with your childish bullshit today. Or ever. I didn't say that though, because I'm not a complete arsehole. Bec works 6 days a week, her day off is Sunday. Because we were going down on the Saturday instead that was obviously a big family conspiracy to exclude her.

I read the text to Aunty, mostly in frustration, and I was surprised at the response I got. She mentioned how my sister is often going on about how Paul (aunty's son, who's old with 4 kids of his own) and his family never talk to her or see her, yet they love me and "always" see me. And somehow aunty actually knows that is bullshit. So that made me happy. I've seen Paul a couple of times, they gave us some baby stuff, most of which had to be thrown out (like the bottles that still had some dried milk in them. Ew) and once when I invited them to Isis's naming ceremony. That's it. We never talk on the phone or anything. But Bec always believes people love me and not her. And I really get sick of hearing it. Yes growing up I was the favourite. But we're not children any more.

So that drama kind of put a little dampener on my happiness.

And the awkward thing is, that while I didn't plot it so that Bec couldn't come and she had enough notice that she could have gotten the day off and didn't bother, I didn't want her there. Why? Because she still makes sport of me like when we were kids. We never get through a single family event (except my wedding, because she has some tact) where she doesn't make an effort to make me look like a moron (like I need help) or she doesn't treat me like dirt for my past (with that pedophile) or go off about her old hurts from the things mum did that are somehow my fault. I just wanted to visit and relax and not be on edge. And it was great!

Sorry about the family drama there, just blowing off some steam.

What else is happening? Work. Work is good. I think I lost some weight. I'm also sick of the early mornings, and I miss my brat terribly. But I'm trying to enjoy it and just stay busy and it will pass. There's also a new supervisor (who I think... HOPE! .. is temporary) who has a very similar name to me. She's Mariam. And with any kind of accent.... so every time people speak to or about her, or call her on the PA I think it's me. Which never happens because the only people with my name you ever meet happen to be in their 80s. Additionally, she's a stuck up bitch. She thinks she's funny, but she's really just offensive. Everyone seems to flock to her, and I seriously don't get it. She's only had a go at me once, but that was enough for me. She can take her superiority and... well never mind lol

Back on the family front, this time, Obi's. His sister has set a date for her wedding, knowing when baby2 is due and everything. ... She's given me a maximum of six weeks to get it a birth cert and passport. And that's if it's not late and if we show up like the day of the wedding. No kidding. This is after her going on and on about how she doesn't want the dates to clash and all this other crap. I sympathise with her though, she has time off in June and then reckons she doesn't get another holiday until Christmas next year. So I get her reasoning and I'd never expect someone to plan their wedding around me at all. But likely it will just be Obi and Isis flying over for that one (and you lot will have to put up with me moping about it lol) unless I have some super talent I've not yet discovered.
It took a month to get Isis's birth certificate, and it's two weeks for a passport. I can pay a lot extra for the passport to be a little faster, and I'm probably willing to do that, but even so the cost of getting flights last minute is often awful, so I'm not sure how I'm going to wrangle it. It would be nice for his family to be able to see/be involved with newbaby in it's very early stages though. And I kind of regretted going over with Isis when she was 5 months. It messed up quite a bit of stuff for her and was hard to recover from, I reckon it'd be easier with a newborn. Time will tell.

I'm so tired, none of this probably made any sense.