Has anyone noticed how Dziubka always looks fabulous and well-put-together even though her fashion is rather odd? I'm noticing this. I can't stop looking at her wedding snaps, so pretty! I feel like such a creeper.

In other news, I heard the strangest baby name the other day, and had to share. It was Le-ah. No. Not "Leah" spelt funny, it's pronounced "Ledasha". What the everloving fuck is wrong with people? I think it sounds pretty enough, but why? Why would you deliberately give your child a name that people are always going to read wrong? And who is daft enough to think you should pronounce a hyphen? Anyway, so there's something random for your day!

I've discovered this cool website Nymbler, it suggests names based on other names you like. I'm having fun with it.

It's late and I'm tired, prepare for more ramblyness than usual. Obi's at the pub playing poker, because he was way depressed today and just needed a break. I hope he comes home feeling like a new man.

Things have been good with us, we had a deep heart to heart the other night that seemed to end well, but I think I might actually base a thread off that, if I ever have the time to scratch my arse.

Working has been great though, it's passing the time quickly. And with my extended contract I'm working Halloween, stoked! One of the managers came up to me and made a personal request for me to dress up again this year (last year I was the ONLY employee at my store that dressed up) and that was both embarrassing and awesome. I didn't know this guy even knew my name, but apparently he's paying attention.
Anyway, I'm going as a dark angel this year, can't wait!

I think I might have pushed myself too hard in the past couple of days though, I've had bad uterus pain today and that was a bit concerning. I'm also showing already. Bec pointed this out to me last night, like I can't see that I'm turning into a beluga, and being pregnant didn't make me feel any better about looking pregnant I'm not hiding that I'm pregnant, but we have not really told people either... but I don't know how long I'm going to keep it under wraps with the current speed of expansion.

Bush fires are scaring the shit out of me. I'm in the city, so personally I'm safe, but I have a lot of mates and family out in areas that are threatened. 200 people have lost their homes.... today was hot as shit and windy. I like the heat, but man we just need some rain. I'm scared for my friends, and terrified for my house. The sale still hasn't gone through (like hurry up already!) and if it burns down (Yes, there is a real risk of this) Gods, I don't know how I'd cope. And I don't think Bec would, at all.

Thinking of that though, we have a plan. See, here in Oz you pay a smaller amount of tax on an investment property than on the home you live in (go figure, eh?) or at any rate this is how Bec's explained it to me. I'm not buying here, so not relevant to me. Anyway, so, when she buys her unit, her and Chris move in there, but keep the lease on their rental so they can prove they don't live in their "investment property" and we move into the rental and pay the rent, thus upgrading to a much needed bigger place without having to raise a new bond. (Your bond or damage deposit is a month's worth of rent, and then you pay two weeks rent up front on top of that. Which is a lot of money to just hand over, rent being what it is here). It's win-win. And as we don't need rental records because in Canada they don't rent through real estates and we're hoping to buy then anyway, it doesn't matter that we won't have a current lease in our name. (Because when we apply for a Canadian visa, we'll apply as married, and no one cares where and how you live once you're married, so woo!) Yay for being dodgy fuckers. But seriously, it'll be nice to help them out even a little.

Another renting related tidbit: I was at work today, minding my own business. It was quiet because it was the crack of dawn and this chick comes up and starts talking to me. It took me a bit to remember why I thought I knew her - I've met her once, a couple of weeks back. She used to live in the unit I live in now and shes kind of related (she did explain, but I don't retain that kind of information) to my landlord. I guess my landlord told her where I worked so she could seek me out, because the day before one of my workmates said someone had been looking for me while I was gone on break. Anyway, she asks me how often I see my landlord. I admit I see him often enough, he comes in to work a lot, and hell he lives across the street from me. I felt a bit tricked into the next part because she's like "when you see him, can you give him my mail?"

Let's backpedal. When I met her the other week I told her that I still get a lot of her mail and can she please change her freaking address. Like, she gets loads of mail. She has signed up to every charity ever heard of, it's crazy. I also still get mail from her work union, phone company, super annuation... It's irritating as shit. When I asked her to change her address she basically said "I don't want the charities knowing where I live or they will flood me with mail"... but it's ok if they flood me?! Fuck you!
Important fact #2: I've lived in this place over a year and a half. Dude, just change your address!!

Irritatingly, my first reaction to anyone is always to be nice. I hate that about myself! So I agreed to do this before I realised that what I really wanted to say was "no, fuck you" and "please don't contact me at work you stalker". Like, she wasn't even there to buy something. She came, saw me and left. Ugh!

Maybe when I'm flooding her brother's wife's brother or whoever he is with her charity shit he'll be like "Hey, change your address, I don't want all this garbage". Maybe.

Obi's home now, seems pretty restored Time for bed, it's laaaate....Ok no it's 11pm. But I'm old. Goodnight people.