Lyonsgirl's blog tells me that I need to put more thought into planning a Disney holiday. Obi and I have talked about it a lot, probably because he's been three or so times (two of which I was on the scene for and he sent me souvenirs, I was excited.) and I never have, growing up on a little island in the middle of nowhere in a poor-arse family and all. We always said we'd go once, just us, so I could be a kid with no responsibilities, and reading the honeymoon blog reminds me how important it is that I do this.
We did bring it up with mum and dad, as they'd be watching the kids for us (rather leave my brats in Canada and be a few hours away than 'Stralia and be a couple days away, you know?) and instead they insist we take the kids and they'll come with us on this big family holiday. Ugh, guys, you're missing the point! It's not that I'd never want to do it - it's a big family tradition thing for them, the grandparents often went with the parents and Obi when he was a kid and I think that's great. BUT I don't see the point in taking kids on expensive family holidays until they are old enough to remember, and I don't want my first Disney experience to be with the cheapest people I know. I don't want to be made to feel guilty for all the fine dining I plan on doing, or paying for things that are vastly overpriced but fun. I just want to have fun! So yes.

Lucybelle's blogs might have inspired us a bit too. My contract for work finished last Friday.

Side story! Yesterday morning at seven minutes past eight I get a phone call that wakes me from my beautiful slumber.
Me: Mmmrgguh
Line manager: Hi Miriam this is Paula. I'm just wondering where you are, I was expecting you five minutes ago.
Me: Er, but my contract is over.
Paula: Yes, but you're casual, so I rostered you on for today.
Me: My availability is Saturdays only, so I didn't check. Give me a minute, I'll get my arse to work.

Ugh! So I nearly died yesterday, because I'd stayed up past 1am like a dickhead thinking I didn't have to work, went in on an empty belly... It was all bad. I had a nearly four hour nap when I got home, and there went the entire day. But seriously... Good thing Obi didn't have job lined up What had happened was that the Melbourne cup was on while the lady I was covering was away, but she was still on contract so she still got a paid day off, and so my manager decided to give her the first Monday back as that day and have me cover it, which would have been awesome to know

So yes, anyway, I'm back on call and Obi hasn't heard a peep. Last Saturday he went to Drinks with some old workmates who are moving to London. One of which got laid off at the same time he did, and also hasn't been able to get steady/any work. One of the other nerds at the gathering told Obi this tidbit though, there's a company in Melbourne with positions open and one of their fringe benefits is that if you have to live away from home to work for them, they will pay the rent of the place you're leaving for the duration of your contract. That's freaking awesome. So we could keep our unit here, rent one in Melbourne for a few months while he works and then we don't lose anything when the contract is up.
The only problem with that is my job and my gym are here. I can't cancel the gym without paying a fee, and I can't quit my job because I signed saying I'd work six months after my mat leave, and that period isn't up yet. I could transfer, but then I might not be able to transfer back at the end because my store is a highly sought after location (we have great hours, and don't work public holidays). Plus I need to work one day a week for ten months to qualify for Paid Parental Leave with the government, which was a Godsend last time.
So we'd be doing a lot of flying, and maybe some small amount of long distance, if he got this job. His friend said he'd put in a good word for him (he just finished a contract with that company) and he's applied. I don't know when we'd hear back though.
LB has shown me we shouldn't be afraid to apply for work further away. Granted, we're not going to move countries, I have no interest in that! But a different city could be nice for six months. But I'm still a little scared.

Anyway, if you wanted to pray/light candles/sacrifice cookies/dance naked in the hopes he'll get a job soon, we'd be very appreciative.

Not to be bogged down in financial stress, I'm getting all excited about Christmas! I want to make us a pentacle for the top of the tree (that we don't have yet, but soon.), need to get materials. I'm currently on my second attempt at knitting Isis her stocking. So far so good. I just hope sometime soon the memory of how to cast off will come to me. If not, I guess there's Youtube. Knitting reminds me of my Ma, I've been missing her like crazy lately. But you get that hey?

I'm slowly figuring out what to do for Obi this festive season too. I wanted to by him an xbox (and a TV - which is the big thing, me allowing a TV into the house) but 1) The funds aren't there. 2) I thought we'd have moved by now, but we haven't, and we just don't have the space.
I'm starting to chafe to move, even though it's not in our best interests financially. We've been here in this flat a long time. Over a year and a half. But I need to be patient. Maybe I should move the furniture again instead.

Everyone's opinions on baby names were awesome, by the way, you people rock. That will be all.