I know I should do something useful, but I just... I can't seem to bring myself to do anything. It's weird. I kind of want to just sit at this computer and... do nothing. Like watching TV.. which is my personal nemesis.

It's stupid, because I know I can't even post this blog yet. I can write it, but I wont post it, because I seriously don't want to jinx anything. And then, when the future comes, as it will, I'll likely hate what I wrote and re-write it. Unless of course I'm feeling lazy and time-poor. Which is a lot at the moment. The less you do, the less you want to do, I swear it.

Anyway! So we had our ultrasound (Morphology). It took FOREVER. Not to be dramatic or anything, but it felt like forever. Tiny room, the screen for the patient to watch was broken so I hardly saw a thing at all. The sonographer was the strong silent type, which is cool - I'm not one of those mums who expects him to chatty Cathy me through the whole process, man has a job to do! But damn. - He's this middle aged Asian dude with a crazy ass hair style. His strange bronze hair die was growing out leaving a good inch and a half of thin salt-n-pepper and for the first thirty minutes he's got this expression of concentration/worry on his face, he's staring at the screen and clicking... leaning closer, biting his lip, breathing through his mouth....

I'm like "So, uh, is it normal and everything?" (I knew it was alive, because Obi had spoken about how the heartbeat looked like a fish mouth.) and he goes, in a dreamy voice "It's beautiful." Ok then. That's good I got the impression he doesn't do a lot of pregnancy related stuff. Probably due to most women having a preference for female doctors. I don't know why, I got the appointment super fast because I was all "I don't care if it's a man"

He was a mad-man with that wand thing they use, think he thought it was a shovel the way he was digging it into me. But yea, about half way through the ultrasound he turned his screen a tiny bit so I could *almost* see stuff if I craned my neck. He was polite and everything and I got to hear the heartbeat for a split second, which I didn't get at all with Isis until I started seeing my midwife. So yay!
We asked about the gender, and it was funny. He seemed very unsure of himself, but at the same time his voice held absolute conviction and no small amount of disappointment when he said to me. "It's not a boy"

Not "You're having a girl" but "It's not a boy". He was almost apologetic.

And I was almost sad. Almost. Because last night I found a boy's name that I love. After a week of evenings spent researching, going through lists, reading old myths, trolling pinterest and looking at everything in that special way you get when you're searching for the hidden in the obvious... and you'll probably all hate it but you know I'm cool with that Haha it's:


(Tal-eh-sin). It's long though, and I know Obi is apposed to long names. But I might sway him. After all the kid will have his family heirloom middle name and last name. The odds are decent, right? Well, I haven't run it by him, but we will hash out a boy's name just in case. Sonographers have been wrong in the past.

But yes, only a momentary pang and then I was back to YAY HEALTHY GIRL SPAWN! I'll be past the half way mark by the time I post this blog too no doubt. So much good news. And Obi was a champion keeping Isis occupied for a full hour, during her nap time, with no toys in a tiny arse room. Best husband/father/hotzephiiporn ever.

~*~*~ I wrote this Friday, and there was a whole other half of my-life-is-awesome! to this blog, and I didn't post it because I was afraid to jinx it. Just as well I guess, because it fell through. Obi and I are pretty devo right now. I'm sure I'll blog it all out later. ~*~*~