The fact that lindt's miniature gold bunnies are not solid is a real jip. Come on guys!
Anyway I didn't come here to blog about gold bunnies, or anything specific. Just life.

The work front: Has been pretty decent. Between us, we made enough to cover our rent this week. Which is due today. The office shuts in an hour and I just put the baby in her cot. Oh well. I'll pay them on the way to work tomorrow or something. I used to freak out about even being a day late until the receptionist was like "oh we don't even notice if it's under a week". I've been a few weeks late before, and they've never said anything. (Not because I'm usually tardy with my bills, far from it, but in that new-baby haze time meant something different to me that the real world. A few times I thought I'd paid a month when I'd only put down a fortnight or I'd over-pay thinking it was due. This is why I have a day planner... That I'm forcing myself to use this year )

Anyway, I scored 14 hours at work this week (unless they call me tomorrow morning and say they've cut my weekend and then I might hurt someone) and Obi's about equaled that. I almost felt sorry for him yesterday. He had a morning shift at the Kelloggs factory, and then he got home and the agency called him and asked if he could work at some hospital for the evening. Of course he said yes. And he's back there tonight too - they liked him enough to specifically request him, so that's nice. I came home from my shift, he made me lunch and left for his. It's been pretty smooth so far, which is hard to imagine with two people on call

My work shat me to tears today though. I lost my trop at old Nancy and I'd only been there ten minutes. Seriously, this chick has no boundaries. She's the one who will practically climb in the pram to kiss your baby and is constantly coughing over everything. Yuck. She has no respect for privacy, a while back she demanded my address and wanted my landlord's number and all these other details just because it's well known I live close to the shop... no, fk off old bat!.. Well this time it was the third time she's asked me if I'm sure I'm not having twins. Yes, I'm very sure. You know why? Because I'm thin enough that if you look at my stomach you can clearly see exactly where my fetus is, and that there's only one of them. And because I would be much MUCH bigger if I were having twins. I mean come on! So I told her that I'm sure and that it's not her place to comment on any woman's body - that includes a pregnant woman - and told her that it was downright offensive and to mind her own business... in front of other co-workers and customers. I totally did not care.

It was good I let that steam off though because not five minutes later a customer said the exact same thing, and I managed to hold my tongue. But honestly I'm so very over it. Yes I can lift this 2kg bag of nectarines, and by the way I have a 10kg child who I lift several times a day. No I do not need a chair and no I shouldn't be at home resting. No the buttons on my shirt aren't progressively getting more open, it's been three for months now, and take that shit up with the uniform company who sent me an email and let me know I wont get my shirt until mid May. I'm sure your guess of the gender of my child has a 50% chance of being right, but I don't need you scrutinizing the shape of my belly and PS please get a fucking education, because the shape of a woman's belly has no bearing on the gender of her child. And NO I absolutely do not want you to bless my belly and draw the sign of the cross on me, over me or around me. How about we just don't touch the pregnant chick at all?

Just Ok I'm done.

Home front:

Has been quiet, a bit boring seeming we're still broke as a joke. Even more so now because Medicare hit Obi up for the Levy for the year before last. Apparently we both have to be exempt to not pay it. He was exempt because he hadn't been in the country the full year and couldn't access Medicare services. And if I was single, I wouldn't have had to pay it because I didn't make enough money to have to pay it. But because I have access to his money via marriage and I'm not technically exempt, he had to pay it. Because that's how family works in the eyes of the government. And I don't mind, Medicare have helped me tonnes over the years. I'd mind even less if they would rebate home births though. Bastards.

But quiet has been good. Obi's been reading to me Brent Weeks's "The black Prism" each night and I'm freaking loving this book. I'm also getting a lot of sewing done, which is nice, because I would really like to finish this play-mat project before I spawn.

I've been nesting a lot. Planning and setting up. I'm trying to do it all on the cheap of course. Like I bought an $8 single bed sheet from the adult's section instead of forking out $20 for something from the baby section - I can cut and hem it and then I'll have fabric left over to make other things with. I got lucky and found a baby quilt from last season hidden under a rack, so I got that half price (and it was one I really wanted - I only didn't buy it before because I wasn't pregnant at the time and couldn't justify the money) just little things like that. There are some things we will still need, like another mattress protector and more nappy inserts, but as long as both kids don't get diarrhea at the same time I can get us through with what we have.
So there's been endless washing of linens that are already clean, and I want to pick up some clothing dye so those items of Isis's that are badly stained can go again without looking like I fished this baby from the dumpster.


I'm starting to think about labour. I'm pretty excited really, not just to meet this tiny human and to be able to reach my feet again, but for the experience itself.
The one thing I'm wondering about is my birth team. Specifically my sister. There was no chance of her attending my last birth (though she was there for the third stage and the hemorrhage (that she didn't seem to notice happening or care about)) because she was so vehemently opposed to home birth. But this time whilst she's still against it she knows to shut up, basically. I expect Isis to be there, but she has her own needs. If I birth at night it won't matter because she'll probably manage to sleep through the bulk of it, but if I go during the day and my labour is very long like last time, we will need someone as her support person to take care of her needs so I don't have to share Obi. And that's where Bec would come in. Plus I trust Bec. She's seen me naked 100 times, she loves watching births, it would be good for her to see it in person to get rid of some of her fears... but at the same time, she is very irritating and has a way of putting me down and upsetting me that would not be conductive to a good birth. Basically what I'm saying is I wish there was some way I could know if she'd be a help or a hindrance.
I know in the end I'll just play it by ear, and the midwife can bounce her out if that's what I need at the time, but it's on my mind none the less.

Most exciting news:

But really the best thing?

The house in the country was finalized today!!! We no longer own it! Technically we sold it months ago, but the new owner demanded a right of carriage for the shared driveway and then we had to wait on the council for freaking ever. Well it's done! The buyer's paid the solicitor, and in two weeks once her cheque clears, we'll have an appointment with him, finally find out what we owe him for everything (The battle with mum's boyfriend etc etc) and we'll find out what each of us get for the hard work and stress. And I can pay my sister back! It's going to be freaking amazing, I can't wait.

And that'll do. I put the baby down nearly an hour ago and she's still not sleeping. It's getting to the time where she only needs one nap a day. Unfortunately my husband wasn't thoughtful enough to let that nap be during my time with her >.> And I'm so sore and tired. This weekend is sure to kill me! But I guess I'll get her grumpy pants up and figure out what to feed us for dinner...