I said I needed help? Well the Goddess listens and the universe provides! Last night my father in law wanted to Skype, out of character for him seeming it was 11pm his time and we were due to skype today anyway... but he said he had an idea, an opportunity he needed to run by us and give us time to discuss. Long story short, he'll land in Oz Tuesday morning (ie, in not even two days time) and will be camping on my lounge for three weeks.

So tomorrow I better wash the baby puke & pee, banana and other dubious white stains out of the lounge!

It will be fantastic to have an extra set of hands, and I get along well with dad. Better in person than online. It's just him, mom can't take time off work for so long at the drop of a hat. Which is good, in a way, because 1) I draw the line at them both staying here, one guest is enough and 2) she is a lot more annoying than he is. I can ask him to leave me alone and he does, I say the same to her an she just keeps yammering at me

I'm actually looking forward to this visit Last time the whole "We're coming down to help you" thing was a lie. I didn't need help, and that's good because they didn't provide any. This time I do need help, and I'm better at asking specifically for what I need.
So that's happening.

Today was mother's day. It started a bit rough, because last night was a bit rough, and though it was my morning to sleep in I got a whole ten extra minutes, because Obi left Selene in the room with me. She was sleeping, and for some reason it didn't occur to him that leaving a baby in a room with its mother and the door closed almost guarantees the mother will wake before the father even realizes the child is crying. Needless to say I was pretty pissed off at that. I'm easy to anger when I'm deliriously tired. There was no breakfast planned because I was supposed to sleep past it, and when Obi tried to run over the road to get buttermilk and flour we remembered the shops don't open til 10am - when of course we had a skype date with the in laws for an hour and by the end of that I was going pretty mental. But then we left the house, and both of us started to feel civil again.

For years I've wanted to own matching knickers and bras. I know it's stupid, but I really like matching sets. But I never get them. For the past six odd years now I've been surviving on the stash of knickers my sister gave me - horrible undies that I'm pretty sure were designed for kids. Some have hearts and skulls on them! Aaaanyway, the other night I was stripping down for our shower and Obi was mocking me for my holy undies and I decided it's past time I treated myself to more. The ones that don't have holes have no elastic any more, it's a sad state of affairs and certainly doesn't help me feel sexy... so I asked my daughters to buy me some for mother's day.
I needed new bras too. I got two nursing bras when I had Isis and the breast fairy finally visited me with her blessings, but I've flogged the life out of them and the support isn't what it once was. So we went shopping, both online and in store. Some bras were more than 50% off online, but full price in store, while online some sizes were sold out but I could get them in store - and in store had a buy a bra, get free knickers sale. Over all I did well for myself. And I finally have sets! (I bought more than one pair of undies per bra because who actually changes their bra every day?) It's a weird thing to be excited about sure, but I've waited so long. I haven't had nice underwear since... well... since I gave up stealing. Hey everyone has a past, I'm man enough to admit to mine.

Then we picked up prawns and oysters for lunch (Obi's idea) which was fantastic. Gods, it's so nice not to have to worry about what I eat! I do feel weird not being pregnant though. It's hard to remember that I'm not. I'm a little sad that I'm not, which is totally dumb. And my body is already reverting back to how it's supposed to be. I feel the cold again (boo) and I'm having reactions to my engagement ring again already (also boo).

Selene's first two weeks have been hard, but not horrible. We have a system for nights, and most of the time she only wakes for one feed. She takes forever to eat, falls asleep during it, startles, loses the nipple (how? It's right there in front of her face!!) and screams, but I can handle all that if it's only the once. She vomits a lot, Isis never did. And Isis has been jealous as hell, and clingy. I knew she would be, despite Bec's assertions that Isis would be just like her and wouldn't be jealous.
It hasn't been all bad though. I've bonded with Selene very quickly, she's adorable (when she's not filling my bra with puke). She makes the cutest squeaks and groans, and she'll sleep chest to chest with me - something Isis was never keen on. Though she's not a great deal smaller than Isis was I'm a lot stronger than I was then and I'm used to carrying an older baby, so Selene feels like the delicate little flower I'd imagined having but didn't get the first time.

I had my first shift since the birth on Saturday, and people were so lovely. So many of the customers came and hugged me and asked how it went/what I had etc. Real community spirit stuff. A lot of people still touch my belly... I guess to verify to themselves that it's empty or something. Of course people are ridiculously amazed that I went to work at all, it was a bit embarrassing honestly, but I feel fine, like I was never pregnant. There's no reason I can't work. And it's a nice break away from my real job of mumness.

It's getting late. Time to start the baby's night routine and hit the sack. If I can tear Obi away from bloody tribal wars....