May as well blog while I pump, they say relaxing helps the milk come out... but it sure is hard to be in this much pain and relax!

Anyway, so what's new?
My sister in law had her wedding. I was actually pretty excited for it, but it was pretty boring all-in-all. They didn't even hold hands during the ceremony. Apparently that's normal but all the weddings I've been to (at least those where I could actually see the bride and groom) the celebrant/priest either tells you to hold hands or your dad literally gives your hand away. I dunno, it just seems so sterile to me, to not want to touch your special person in those moments.

One thing was weirdly interesting though. They had the family's pastor officiating, but didn't want to have a religious ceremony, so he'd be reading bible passages but he'd say "some good advice for marriage is..." or "Someone once said..." and I'm like "not someone, Jesus!" It was almost offensive. Like, you're hell bent on not being Christian, but you'll use their stuff and pretend it's not their stuff?!

Highlights: Seeing the grandfather and mum performing. Not because they are fantastic or anything (skype quality wasn't doing them any favours sadly) but because... well I don't know, it's just a beautiful thing. And I know it would have meant a lot to mum to be able to sing at her daughter's wedding. Back when we were planning our wedding mum had wanted to sing for us too (and she did) and Amanda had said there was no way in hell mum would sing at her wedding and that it would be too embarrassing etc, which probably hurt mum more than she let on. So yeah, happy for her. I also got a little teary seeing the father daughter dance. And damn that was one bad run-on sentence. Shit man!

Lowlights: When I was organising with dad, I tried to convince him to go with the original plan of skyping us in on a laptop or tablet, but he decided that might be too distracting for the other guests and not mobile enough (true for a laptop, but a tablet would have been fine) and put us through his phone instead which meant we could see them, but no one could see us. The few people who did want to mingle with us during the reception found it awkward as hell to talk to a camera and not see our faces.
But mostly.. well... it was me that sent Amanda flowers, me that made sure we got a gift on time, me that worked out all the details with dad and took time out of my day to test things with him etc, it was me that got Obi's tired arse out of bed before 7am on a bloody Sunday... but when dad explained what the cousin was doing carrying this smart phone around it was "This is Dustin skyping in from Australia". And the people who knew we'd be skyping in came up and waved and called out "Hi Dustin!" and whatever (before and after dad's introduction.) It was like I wasn't there at all and that was a huge slap in the face. Mostly dad's speech. But even my favourite grandma said hi and sent her love a few times... but never to me. I know they are his family and they miss him and that's cool. And mum remembered I was there and spoke to me which was lovely. But yeah. It's always me, every time there's a holiday or important family event. I do all the work, I write the cards and lovely letters that make people cry, I send the gifts... and Obi gets the credit. Every. Damn. Time.

So by the end of it I was a bit sad faced.

But, on the other hand I was a bit relieved. I know this is petty and competitive and out of character... but I was really worried her wedding would be nicer than mine was because she had the bigger budget/financial support of the parents and that I'd be jealous. But it wasn't. I mean it was lovely, but it wasn't spectacular. It didn't have much personality. The music was shit (no really - this shit is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S). So I don't feel any worse about the stunt she pulled at my wedding Obi was even like "Our wedding was so much better than hers" haha. Not that it's a competition. I'm sure someone understands what I mean.

In other news - We've been approved for the new unit and have put our holding deposit down. It'll be like two weeks for all the work to be done, and then we're moving. But two weeks is fine, because Bec and Chris are off to China (right now in fact) and we'll need their help to move. Or someone's help! Moving house in one day alone with two kids? Haha yeah no.

So I'm stoked. I bought huge removable wall decals off ebay to celebrate. I have not told Obi. I might just wait until he's at work and decorate... see what he says. Fun! Can't wait to have SPACE! And I can now go ahead and plan Selene's naming day, because I'll have the room to host it. I'm kind of going all-out this time and Obi doesn't seem to mind. I'm toying with the idea of hiring a student photographer or something.

and lastly - Tattoos! Ages ago I described the huge colorful tattoos I want, but of course I can't just jump right in the deep end. What if I go for something huge and can't sit through the pain to finish it? Bec laughed at me when I said that, she's all "You pushed out two babies without drugs at home, don't be a dickhead" haha, but I still worry. But I finally know what small tattoo I want to start with.
I want this quote in my mum's handwriting "I think you're fun" (it was something she said to me a few days before she died, and it really helped me back there in my personal dark ages) and this mouse at the end of it:

Because that's what she used to call me.

And just knowing what I want gives me so much peace. Maybe I'm a weirdo.

And that'll have to do. I have so much I need to get done right now, and I'm praying I have time tonight to practice my poi (I got short person cords for my birthday and am itching to get back into it).