Stress, stress, and more stress. I'm trying to get some stuff settled for school and I'm getting the ring-a-round and time's a waistin. Classes start in a month. So I'm stressed about that. And of course I'm stressed about money because in todays world, who isn't. (besides the movie stars and millionaires.... jerks.) And now to top it all off, my SO quit his job.

It was kinda already coming. The garage he worked at was transferring management and locations and he didn't want to work for the new boss because they don't get a long (there have been several shouting matches between the two.) so he knew he was losing his job soon. But he didn't know exactly when. Maybe this week, maybe next, maybe today, he didn't know. So he decided he would just quit himself rather than wait to be let go. Because really, he wasn't doing much work right now since they're closing and all and he didn't like that he was getting paid to do nothing (stupid pride) He's been trying to find a job for quite a while, but there are pretty much no jobs in England.

So now, he's without a job and therefore without an income. He has plenty of money saved to support himself until the government will start paying him their version of "unemployment". But guess what that money was saved for... yeah, our trip in November. >.< We're not calling the trip off just yet. He says to give him until September to see if things turn around. But I am determined to see him this year. So if we can't make it to California in November, then I am flying to England in December and he's going to pay for a nice hotel for a few weeks and show me around England. Which is definitely not a bad alternative, just a more expensive one on my part.

So yes, I am stressed about lots of stuff and while I am very well aquainted stress in excess forms, my body has strange ways of dealing with it. My muscles start to ache (probably common for people dealing with stress due to tense muscles) and I get bronchitis (or something similar. i.e. pneumonia, strep, or a nasty cold that gets into my lungs). Yesterday I started to notice that my tonsils are swollen. This morning I noticed that my head is getting that feeling when you know you're getting sick. Ugh. I don't want to be sick right now.

On the plus side, my best friend is coming to visit this weekend and we're going to a day spa. Hallelujah. I need it.