Okay, so, I was told I should do a blogpost about my recent trip to see my SO in Argentina (I'm looking at you, Lucybelle! ) so I decided to give it a try! Right now it's pretty late over here though, and I need to get up early, so I won't type down my entire trip right now, but rather divide it up into parts and hope I can remember to actually finish it xD

So yes, I was off to Argentina on the 11th of December, 2012! It was my first time flying alone, and holy crap, I was so excited and nervous I thought I wasn't even going to be able to make it through security before having a nervous breakdown! My parents drove me to Arlanda Airport (which is about an hour away from my town) even though I insisted that they didn't have to do it, but my mum did so therefore they came along xD We got some pizza to eat before I was off because it's a freaking long trip, but I was so nervous I couldn't eat a thing. Then made our way to my gate, where I had to wave my parents off I'd like to say I wasn't emotional, and I wasn't, at least not on the outside. But I have to admit that it was a bit strange and sad to leave my parents behind, especially as both of them started crying, and I mean... I have never seen my dad cry! However, I was so excited to be off that I basically ran off after hugging them and saying goodbye, and now in retrospect I think that might have been a bit mean xD

Eventually got on the plane that was going to Madrid where I was going to get on the next flight to Buenos Aires, and my nerves kicked in again as I'm not a huge fan of flying (hate the take-off for some reason. The other parts are just nice, but taking off... Oh noes!). But, there was this guy having the seat next to me that was really nice, and we started talking and it turned out it was his first time flying alone too! He was going to Brazil for 3 months, and strangely enough, our separate flights departured straight after each other! So we stuck together once we landed at Madrid Barajas Airport since we both had about 6 hours to our next flights, and just made time pass by eating, playing some cards and just chatting away It really made it a lot easier because we could help each other out with finding out where we were supposed to go, and it was nice not being all alone for 6 hours!

Eventually we said our goodbyes and went to our gates, and my god... I could tell I'd be on a plane full of Argies already then xD People talking as loudly as ever, waving their hands around making gestures to emphasise things, and once it was time to line up for boarding... Well, there wasn't a line, it was more of a mass xD But I loved it. I was only in Madrid, and already had a feel of South America I mean, I'm used to people basically whispering when talking, and not using hand gestures at all, so seeing it was just so obvious to me even if a lot of other people are used to it

The ride to Buenos Aires went well. It was loooooong though, but once we landed.... I was so excited I just wanted to be the first one out of the plane! But unfortunately I was almost in the back, so yay xD Got out, went to get my bag, and then had to go through Customs, which I've never done before so I was freaking out! I had brought some things from home to give to my SO that he wanted, and now I was sooooo paranoid about them! So I filled out the form as precisely as I could to avoid any trouble, got in line, put my bag up and... Nothing. They didn't even talk to me! YAY! xD And ahead of me was the door to Arrivals... My heart was pounding so much by this point, and I realized I was so close to seeing my SO, that he was on the other side of that door... I finally knew what he's been feeling all the times on his trips

So I got to the door, and... Mayhem. Complete chaos! There were people everywhere, the place was completely crammed and there was shouting and running and an occasional applaus for some reason xD But I just went along, hoping that maybe my SO had seen me even if I hadn't seen him yet, and I turned a corner and... There he was! It was so strange seeing him again, but so amazing, and we hugged and kissed for probably half an hour before I decided that it was way too hot wearing the clothes I had on, and I needed to change them before passing out xD

So we hitched a cab, and went to the hotel he'd booked us into that was right in the middle of Recoleta. That cab ride was the most amazing one of my life! I mean, I'd been dreaming about visiting Buenos Aires for probably 5 years or so, and then all of a sudden I was there! It was all very surreal, and I didn't really understand that it was happening, but it was just awesome! Coming from a tiny town in Sweden where everything is tiny, and the biggest city I've ever visited was Sydney, coming to BA which has 13 million inhabitants in ONE city was just insane! So I just sat there staring through the window in awe, as my SO pointed out things and told me what I was looking at

So after checking in to the hotel we made our way out to town (I landed at like 8am so we had plenty of time to explore) and just walked around, looking at all the people, the buildings, the stores... Had some of the most amazing pizza I've had, which was literally dripping with cheese... I've never seen so much cheese in my life xD And just... Enjoyed being in each others company I was extremely tired at like 9pm though, so we made it back to the hotel to get some beauty sleep

Here's some pictures!

The famous pizza!

The El Ateneo bookshop! I was in heaven!!

I didn't take many pictures the first day, but more will come That'll have to be enough for today, it's getting too late over here! I'll continue the tale of my trip tomorrow, most likely!