Been a while since blogging now (also, lucybelle wanted someone to blog and I've got time over xD) , and I realized that blogging my entire last trip to Argentina took more time and effort than I thought, so I'm just going to leave it where it is and keep on with this visit instead! Or visit and visit... More like CDR for 6 months! Been here for about 3 weeks now, and I'm super-stoked still, have problems realizing I'm here for a while and not going home just yet... Which is great, and strange at the same time xD

Aaaaanyways, everything's been going great and we've slowly started to get into the whole living-together-thing. Actually we feel like an old married couple, we're repainting the house and building chicken-coops for the chickens and whatnot... How the hell did we get this old?? Went snowboarding together with SO's brother and his cousin, which was great fun. The snow was all icy though which made balancing a bit hard and we're all still a bit bruised up from that. But the view was amazing!

If you've read earlier blogs you know that there are 2 street-dogs living here, and unfortunately one of them seems to have been hit by a car or ended up in a fight with another dog - he's got a big gush on one thigh and keeps limping around, doesn't want to get near people and keeps to himself. I feel really bad for him because I want to help out, but then my SO keeps reminding me that they're used to it (it's happend to both of them several times earlier) and that they know how to take care of themselves and he'll be better in a couple days, but still... I'm used to taking animals to the vet if something happens, here it's a completely different deal which makes me sort of uneasy and... I don't know. I guess I just need to get used to the way things are done here, even if we did decide to take him to the vet it would be an issue, because it takes half an hour to drive there and the dogs are scared to death of cars, even more so of being enclosed in one. Ugh, I don't know, if anyone has any suggestions on what to do, please leave a comment!

On a happier note, I'm thinking about suprising my family when I get back home in December. Or well, it started as suprising my family, but then I realized I need my parents to come pick me up at the airport so that idea was discarded. However, I'm thinking about maybe suprising my younger sister. She's been a wreck ever since I left and keeps telling me how everything's different and how she misses me, so I'm thinking about telling her I'll be coming home on the 17th of December (when really I'm arriving on the 15th), have my parents pick me up in secrecy, and me being in her room when she comes home after school that day. I'm not entirely sure though, so any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated too! Especially if you've done the whole suprise-thing before

I'll leave it at this for now, got more painting to do and need to make myself some tea. Starting gym/healthier eating today with the SO and I'm already craving brownies and ice cream and whatnot. Help