Because I am bored, alone at home, and I can't think of anything better to do so I'll just bore you all with my day-to-day life

Being here is amazing though, it really is. It's so nice to be able to hang out with the SO in a normal way without feeling that "we have to do as much as possible every single minute of every day because one of us will be gone soon", and instead be able to take it nice and slow and just be together. We still do stuff, of course, but it's nice to be able to just watch TV an entire afternoon without feeling like we've wasted our time together. That being said, we've done quite a few awesome and fun things since I came here! A couple weeks back we went snowboarding up in the mountains every weekend together with the SO's brother, which was absolutely amazing - here's the view!

Unfortunately I somehow managed to get my board stuck in a compact pile of snow and thus fell head first in x kilometers/hour into the slope, which messed my neck/back/shoulders up pretty bad. It disappeared in a couple days though, but it meant no more snowboarding after that. Thankfully the weather started getting warmer by then anyways and the snow was melting away, but you know, still.

Other than that we've also spent a couple of Sundays kayaking on the lakes and playing paintball Kayaking is soooo much fun and relaxing, however, it also kills your arms xD Last Sunday was hilarious, because the SO somehow managed to sink his kayak when we were heading out and had to spend the rest of the trip soaked (I know I shouldn't have laughed, but it was hilarious!).

And yeah, I've been studying social psychology, anthropology and international law online for the past couple of weeks, which has been really nice. I like to keep my brain going, without having all the immense preassure of assignments, tests and speeches that you get from going to school. I mean, I graduated this summer and I feel like I need a bit of a break, haha

This is a very unclear blog. Gotta get my head together! Some other time maybe, right now I feel like just rambling on about various boring things

Also jumping on the pothole-train with Lucybelle, I mean, SERIOUSLY BOLSON. There's this one part on the main road where it literally looks like a field of landmines just went off, and there's always a huge line because people are trying to avoid the potholes or driving slowly over them. No one apparently thought to actually build the main road well from the get-go, but instead they just fill it in with SAND whenever it gets too bad, which helps for like 2 days and then it's back to normal again. I didn't think I would get annoyed with this, but seriously. I've been here long enough now that I'm not sure I remember what it's like to drive on a non-potholey road xD

Aaaaand to finish off I just wanted to throw in a picture of the puppy, Dexter He's grown immensly in the past couple of weeks but he is the sweetest, and he's awesome company. He's getting a bit cocky with the other dogs though so there's a few dominance-fights every now and then but thankfully they all know well enough not to hurt one another, just marking dominance. Went to get his shots a few weeks back and the vet said he's the sweetest, he didn't even flinch at the shots (and I have to admit that made me proud in a very silly way) Going back this weekend to get the rest, let's hope he's as awesome this time around!

Okay, so yeah. That was one rambly and not very cohesive blogpost, sorry about that. SO is coming home and we've gotta stock up the fridge, which also means buying cookies! Whoop!