I'm gonna do another one involving everything! I'm impressed by you guys who are able to write whole blog posts on a specific subject, I used to be able to do that as well but lately I've realized I'm too impatient with it, and if I'm bored writing about it, someone else is definitely going to be bored while reading it :P

London: Anyways, I got back from London a week or so ago, and I had such a great time! It was so weird meeting my friend for the first time, because even though we've never seen each other IRL we've been talking for 6 years (e-mails, Facebook, Skype, phonecalls etc.), and it just felt so natural and like we'd already met countless times before xD She lives in a dorm close to her university, so I got to meet a bunch of her friends as well which was great - they were all very nice, welcoming and fun hanging out with!
I got there late on Tuesday evening, around 1am, and then we sat up talking and drinking wine until 6am. Needless to say, the next day was spent sleeping until 1pm and then she had to go to work for a couple of hours, so I went off exploring on my own! Got on the overground to London Bridge and walked around that area, saw the Tower Bridge, Tower of London and all that jazz. Bought a coke and just sat around watching people, it was great! Wednesday evening ended up pretty much like the previous ones, and so did Thursday and Friday night as well

All in all I got to be very touristy but it was also brilliant seeing the less touristy parts considering I was hanging out with locals. We went to this one restaurant off the main streets which was amazing, and got a huuuuge plate of English breakfast (gotta take the opportunity!) for only 5£ including drink! I was blown away, that's like the price of a cup of coffee and a cookie here in Sweden xD

Got to see London Eye, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, got to ride a double-decker, tried bubble tea (the flavor was nice, the bubbles were disgusting!), went to China Town and Soho, Hyde Park... You know, all the stuff you're supposed to do! So it was great fun, next time I'm going to England I'll probably visit her in her home town instead though

Exercise: Caught a nasty cold the day after I came home though, so I've been out of the gym for a total of 2,5 weeks now which is not good. Went for a loooong walk/run with my sister today though, which was really nice! An hour and a half later, I'm back writing this Since I started working out I've noticed a big change in myself which is just awesome. Everyone always talks about how good working out is, but I never really believed it until I started doing it seriously myself. I sleep so much better, I don't get upset about small things, I have more energy, I get more focused... And, I've lost 5kgs since I started 2,5 months ago! It might not be enormous amounts to some, but to me it's insane!

School: School is going just fine. I think I'm finally starting to get the whole idea of everything, how they want you to think and how to answer questions and stuff. The exam is in little over a month, and I'm super excited about it. It'll be my first Uni-exam! 6 hours, haha. But it's an interesting field. I ended up applying for law first hand for next year, because if I get a good grade on the exam now I'll automatically get in to that one. Then again I'm not sure wether I want to do it, but if I decide not to, I'll just travel around and live life another 6 months before applying again to something else.

Work: Same 'ol, same 'ol. Some kids I want to punch in the face and some are great

Relationship: Things are great between us right now. We had a bit of a fall-out a couple weeks back because of the distance and because of the not knowing when we'll see each other next. As of right now, this is the longest we've ever been apart in the 3 years we've been together, and usually we always have a plan for when to see each other next, but this time we don't. Which brings both of us down a bit, but then we remind each other that we're still here and it doesn't matter how long we have to wait, it'll be worth it in the end I miss my dog like crazy though. Hopefully it won't be too long until I can go back there!

That's all I have to report on now, I think. Rambly long blog again, seems to be my thing :P